
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Trying Citrus Cleanse For Parasites - Good and Bad

A few years back, I was searching some parasite websites when I was trying to figure out what type of parasite I had. 

I found a post about someone that made their own parasite cleanse and shared what they did and how it worked for them. They said that it made them really sick for a day but killed off lots of worms and they were afraid to do it again but felt they should. 

I printed it out and put it in the file of parasites stuff I have and it got lost. I found it the other day and thought I would try it over a weekend just in case it worked. I bought all the stuff but forgot to get fresh ginger root so I just substituted the powder and don't know that it mattered but may try in next week with the fresh ginger root.

The recipe called for:
1 entire orange with peel
1/2 lemon with peel
1/2 lime with peel
 1/2 inch fresh ginger root
1 1/2 Tbs organic raw honey

I personally added about 2 tsp pomegranate peel powder. Check out my blog here for how to make that.

I would suggest cutting the orange into pieces to make it blend easier. I used my VitaMix and the orange just kept spinning on the top. I didn't add tons of water but you could add as much water as you feel is functional for you but I didn't want to have to drink tons if it was hard to get down. I am a "guzzle it quick" girl when it comes to things that taste bad.

The glass on the left was the thick sludge type stuff and the one on the right is what was left in the blender when I sprayed it out and saved that glass to pour into a bath. 

I took another rinse of the blender and used a cotton ball to rub some of the citrus on my skin to see if it would bring any parasites out and it didn't do anything but make my skin feel clean after I rinsed it but I gave it a try anyway. 

I was worried about what may happen if I took the entire amount as I have such a large load of parasites so I drank half the mixture. It was quite acidic and left my mouth tingling like it does when you put a lemon in making it "your teeth" type of thing. Other than that, I didn't notice anything about taking the 1/2 mixture drink that night or the next day. 

I took the watery citrus mix and filled up a hot bath and dumped the mixture in the bath along with a handful of "real" salt and some apple cider vinegar. I have been scared to take baths for awhile as I have ended up with rashes either from the stuff I put into the tub trying what people suggested using laundry soap, a little bleach etc or that maybe the parasites burrow out and then back in the skin, either way, it hasn't been pleasant taking baths recently. I haven't had a good bath experience for the last few times. 

I have to share that the citrus, vinegar, and salt mixture in the bath worked well and I enjoyed the bath and didn't end up with any rashes. It was a nice clean feel and I really enjoyed it which was a relief as I was worried about it. 

I noticed no die off symptoms and no reaction of any kind after drinking the citrus mix. Granted, I only drank half of the mixture. I mixed the second glass into two glasses and added water and drank 1/4 of the mixture for the next two days. I didn't notice any kind of die off headache, no expelling of any parasites and on the third night drinking the last 1/4 of the mix, my stomach hurt like when I had ulcers and I know that the citrus acid was bothering the lining of my stomach. I get this way when I add lemon to my water too often, the citrus acid just upsets the lining of my stomach so I have to be careful not to drink it every day. 

I didn't have any feeling that it was doing much other than I felt like the parasites were active more during the day but that was probably due to the fact that I was eating curry the past two days. 

I am super sad that this didn't do more for me but on the other side, if it did, the upset to my stomach lining probably wouldn't have allowed me to do if for long anyway. The only weird thing that did happen was that I woke in the middle of the night with a super clear sinus but it didn't seem better during the day so I am not sure what that was but it was interesting to note and document anyway. 

I think I will make more of this mixture to use in the bath! I may try it with the fresh ginger root but my thinking is that I will make it into ice cubes and freeze some so that I can just throw some cubes into the bath water when I want to take a bath as I did feel cleaner and fresher after taking the bath with it in the water. I tried in the past to use fresh boiled lemons in the bath with the salt as someone online suggested, but it was a bit of a pain to get ready and haul to the bathroom to use. But, these frozen cubes would be super easy for the bath! I think I am going to do that in the future. 

Anyway, I think drinking this was similar to taking Grapefruit seed extract and don't see it being worth the time and effort to drink as it didn't kill off any of this type of parasite but I can't say you shouldn't try it if you have a different type of parasite. Just because it didn't work for mine, doesn't mean it won't work for you. 

I will make an update video about this tomorrow and hopefully keep trying stuff until we find a cure for this! Have a Blessed Day! 

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