
Friday, March 17, 2017

Weirdest Week - Not Sure Where It Will End

I shared that my computer died. I was hoping to finish editing my mom's book before the one year anniversary of her passing away next month. It for sure won't be happening. While I was digging out another monitor to hook the computer up to see if it was just my monitor that was out, I found myself singing a song from the musical "Little Women" and I was singing, "Some things are meant to be...." I felt that whatever was going to happen was what should happen.

Just that morning, I had been praying about my health and how I am struggling with not being able to find a cure and praying for patience with this parasite and science figuring it out etc.  With the situation how it is, I am frustrated but I have had some weird things going on this week and I am not sure where things are headed. 

I have been doing research on many things people online have shared with me about how they kill parasites and contacted an online seller someone suggested. I want to post about that  in its own blog post but today, I was going to go purchase a few things and dropped the paper with the item names on it. The wind took it and I had to chase it down to retrieve it. I had a "not so good" feeling about going and purchasing them at that point and thought maybe I would just talk to the guy at the health food store about which to try. 

Later, I came home and took in groceries and when I looked out the window before heading out, I see a paper on the ground outside. I head out to go run another errand and that exact same paper is now on the ground again but was with several other papers I had stacked in the console before that. I really think maybe I am not supposed to try one, or all of them. I will have to do more research. 

Another reason I feel this way is that it has been a few weeks since I have found any coins. If you read my blog, you will know that when I need something, I will usually find a coin or when I am lacking faith, I will find a coin and it will remind me to "Trust in God." Click here for the first post about that.  

It is Princess Four's birthday soon and I wanted to send her a package. She asked for a wireless keyboard for her ipad. I forgot to ask her which size she had as I thought I would be able to find just a keyboard. We live in a small town and I didn't have that option so I needed to know if she had a regular or mini ipad to purchase the right size case. It took me three days to get anyone to reply to my emails, texts and calls about it. Finally, I get the reply, purchase, package and send the package. I barely made it to the post office and was the last person they served for the day. I hope it makes it for her birthday but it was so weird how after three days, everyone replied back once I sent it. 

I leave the post office and go to several stores looking for a red belt for Princess Five to wear for her Talent portion of sterling scholar. I go to Rue 21 and they have these adorable glass jars that say, "Blessings" on the front in their clearance section across from the belts. I thought they would be great gifts for the girls as they "find" coins when they also need reminders to "trust in God." I head to the checkout and what is right there at my feet? Yep, a dime! I opened one of the jars and put the dime inside! 

I have seen 1:11 or 11:11 probably 20 times in the past three days. (Click here for the original post on that) I saw my favorite song as a child for sale as a 45 record at a second hand store. I can't tell you how many times our family sang, "High Hopes" growing up.I sang it at my elementary graduation! (Click here for a post where I mention that song.) I felt like the past few days, my mom has been trying to tell me something. I was looking at her book the other day and found myself singing "Somewhere over the rainbow" while concentrating and started laughing at myself. Nowhere in the book is that song mentioned, it us just something that reminds me of her. Click here to see the original post about that song.

I met the cutest couple from Berma last week. They prepare the sushi for the store in town. I loved talking with them and today, I took them a book, a cd and some homemade suckers. They in return gave me some sushi! I think we will be great friends. I purchased some groceries and walking out of the store, I found a penny. 

My car was getting looked at and I was going over on Monday and due to me not being able to find out about the ipad size, I kept postponing my errands. I took over some of the homemade suckers to thank my mechanic and he said he just barely finished my car. If I had taken over the treat on Monday, he wouldn't have had the car done. He is SUCH a blessing in my life. I was telling Princess Five the other day that I have had problems with the roof, problems with the furnace, even though they were new, the installation of both have caused problems. I have to do the yard, house etc by myself. The ONE thing I never have to really worry about is my cars. My mechanic is seriously an angel in disguise and goes the extra mile fitting me in over and over, dealing with my old cars, waiting for payments etc. I shared that he is the one "fix it" person I know I can consistently, fully trust and not have to worry about anything. 

There have been a few other weird things I don't have time to share, but as I was getting ready to write this post, I open an email and it was a ecard from Jackie Lawson cards from a friend of mine who doesn't know about my mom and the "Rainbow" connection and the card was called, "The End of the Rainbow!" I just laughed out loud when I saw that! Like I said, I really do think my mom is trying to let me know she appreciates all my work on her book and stuff. Last night, over and over all night long and this morning I had the song, "The Winner Takes It All" lyrics portions running through my head. "And someone way down here, loses someone dear" and "I apologize if it makes you feel bad" also. I think she is truly sorry that she wasn't well enough to deal with sorting all of her own stuff and probably wishes she could have done it now that she has moved on as she must see how stressful it is for me to be spending so much time on it. I do know that she wasn't in her right mind for many years and she was super organized when I was growing up and she raised 8 amazing children and did service all over the globe for decades so I am sure she does apologize for the mess of stuff she left. 

Anyway, it has been a super long week. Actually, a SUPER long year. I feel like I have vented on my blog way more than I ever have in years recently and that isn't what I want or enjoy but truly I am hoping things move in a new and better direction soon! The post name talks about "where it will end" and as I was about to click post, I laughed as I realized the card name in the picture above is "The END of the Rainbow!" Perhaps my mother is telling me that me working on her stuff will come to an end eventually. lol And, usually, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! Wouldn't it be great if that came true! ;-)

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