
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Refinishing Wooden Knife Handle - Teak Oil Magic

If you remember a few months back, I posted about using teak oil on my kitchen and bathroom cabinets to revive them from water damage and losing the finish. Click here to see that post. 
I shared yesterday that I have been trying to clean out one drawer or cupboard daily just to get through the house and get rid of stuff I don't need. This week I worked on the knife drawer. I had a full set of wooden steak knives for over 20 years now. I also have a few plastic and some smaller wooden handled knives. 

This week, I went shopping and looked at steak knives hoping to find a new set that I liked. The only sets I could find were all like the plastic black handled ones and I wasn't thrilled with the quality and living in a small town, there aren't many options. 

After looking for new knives, I was putting the old knives into pile of things to get rid of and then had a thought about maybe using teak oil on the weathered knives to see if it would revive them like my cupboards. I then remembered how great it worked on my mothers jewelry chest a few months back as well. Here is a link to that. 

With those "wins" in mind, I gathered all the knives together and got the teak out out with some old cotton rags. I applied teak old to all the different knives just to see what they would all look like. I have some dark knives that are darker wood or had been stained at some point. I have the lighter oak knives and there is a lighter oak and a darker oak but in the end, I think they all look better with the teak oil on them. 

Just apply a coat and see how it dries. Since my knives were super dry and weathered, the first coat dried within about a half hour after application as the wood soaked it up fast. I did a second coat before bed and in the morning, they were better but had dry spots where the oil had soaked up more than other areas. 

I applied a third coat in the morning and let them dry all day and they look quite nice now. They don't look new, but considering they are over 20 years old, maybe closer to 30 thinking back, they look good and have a few more years of use in them.

I made a video but I dropped my nice camera and the smaller one doesn't auto focus once it is started so with the small screen, I couldn't tell it was out of focus. You can get the idea with the blurry video but hopefully I can get a new computer, camera etc soon. It maybe be time to win a new electronic package. ;-)       

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