
Friday, April 10, 2015

Art Show In Nature - Artists in the Family

I have a niece who is going places. She has always LOVED animals. When she was young, she could run like a horse very fast on all fours. She said she wanted to be a Veterinarian when she grew up.

As the years have passed, she still loves animals but has branched out into art. I asked her a few years ago to please bring some of her art camping so she could give us an art show. 

She came and I am sure I have video somewhere of her show. She is so talented. It isn't only in one medium either. She draws, paints and makes crafts as well. I wish now I had taken pictures of all her painting and drawings but I just grabbed these pictures at the end of her art show today as I had to run to the car and get my camera. 

The painting of the flower at the top is her first real painting. She saw a picture of a flower she liked online and painted the lilly. She then painted some other paintings I didn't show and then she pulled out the custom painted "little pet shop" creatures. 

She custom painted them to look like she wanted them to look and then made them an entire house, including the bathroom with different mediums. 

She made the entire bathroom out of a "Beach" motif and I LOVED what she did with the different sized shells. So creative. Of course my brothers had to ruin it by saying she should have put a raisin in the toilet! I loved that she even had toilet paper.
She then pulled out all the food she created and I was so impressed with the detail she put into each little piece of food. She had two plastic containers full of the different foods. 

Such talent at such a young age, I am so excited to see what she chooses to do with her future.... She truly could be a vet but if that is the case, I am sure she would have the best decorated office in the U.S.! 
She does get her talent from both parents as her father is one ARTISTIC man. He isn't flowery by any means but he creates masterpieces. He would take an old piece of wood lying around and make it into a rustic lamp and he is a custom painter for cars etc but his real passion is building custom "Ratrods!" I'll put a link to the post I did about that awhile ago. 
Her mother is amazing. She creates custom scrapbook pages and they are truly amazing to view. She started a "scrapping" club where once a month people can choose one of two nights and come to create all sorts of fun paper crafts or pages that she has prepped and ready to go. She can take ANYTHING and turn it into something beautiful and creative. Here is a link to the bouquet she made for Princess Number One's wedding out of old maps.    
Here is another one she made for her daughter.  
Here is a post about a wreath she made for my aunts funeral.
Here is a post about her mom crafting while camping.

Here is a post about her dad's artistry building custom cars called "ratrods."

I laughed as I looked at my brother admiring her little foods in the container as he was wearing two sets of glasses. This isn't the first time I have seen it but last time, he was wearing TWO sets of prescription glasses. 

Continue to amaze the world Niece Princess, I can't wait to see what else you will create!

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