
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Updating the Christ Coffee Table - Brag Table Part 2

I have a busy week this week and it is 4 a.m. and I still have a few things to do and I have much of my family coming down for the rest of the week. We usually go camping over Easter but this year, we are doing our activity in town and this week instead. I need to be up in three hours and then have family activities.

I needed a quick post and thought I would share how I updated my "Christ Table" recently.  Here is the original post of the table and ideas for other types of "brag" tables for your grand-children's pictures etc. The coffee table is in my front room and has pictures from the life of Christ on it. The sun is shining in that room almost all day as the sun crosses the sky. Over time, the pictures have faded with the UV rays. 

Recently, I found an envelope containing pictures/paintings of Christ at a second hand store. I was thrilled to find them as the ones on the table needed to be replaced but with each card costing near $1 at the book stores, I didn't want to spend the money.

I spent $3 on the envelope and found a few more loose pictures for $0.25 each. For less than $5, I was able to replace most of the pictures on the table.

They all weren't the exact paintings that I had in there originally but I was able to replace all but 6 of the paintings. You can see the older one's all have a green hue to them.

Princess Five and her friend were great helpers putting the new ones in and removing the old. The first thing Princess Four said when she came home last week was to ask if I had replaced the pictures on the table.

I shared that her sister did it and did a great job but I thought it was great that she noticed. Now we can enjoy it for a few more years. I love how it portrays the life of Christ and many of his great works.

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