
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Recycle Copper, Jokes on Me - Part Three & 111 moment

If you remember a week or so ago, I posted on recycling copper. I did hours of work and only ended up with $1.25. Well, I still had a bag of wires that I hadn't taken the time to "strip" for recycling and so I took those wires over to the recycle place and guess what....

I spent NO time stripping the wires and ended up with almost twice as much cash in my pocket. 

As you can see I ended up with $2.20. Totally worth taking the wires over to the recycle place just not worth stripping it first unless it is the thick housing wiring. If you care to read about those two posts on Copper recycling, Here is part 1. Here is part 2.

I also got a check in the mail this week for a copay we paid for Princess two's surgery lab work that didn't need to be paid. Check out the check number..... Yep, 1111! Made both of us smile. 

Then, I was working on my checkbook and pulled out this receipt and check out the number of ones on it! 

That made me smile all the more. Tonight while I was cleaning out my car, I found a bag of jewelry findings that got lost under the fabric of the trunk liner last year. In it were the receipts as I was going to return them. 

Guess what date was on the receipt? Yep, 11-11. Guess what number was on the store number? Yes, once again 111.

Princess four said she found lots of coins at her competition last weekend and Princess 2 also found some. I found a car wash token. I wondered if that meant that I was going to win a car or that my car just needed a cleaning. :-)

Either way, I was happy with the refund, and the free money from the copper wires. Someone was replacing a dishwasher and gave me the wires for free with no work to me so that was free money. 

I am grateful that Heavenly Father continues to remind me to Trust in Him in so many ways. In case you are new to the blog and are reading this, I will post links about my 111 sign and my "In God We Trust" post about finding money. 

Hope you are seeing signs of his love for you as well.... If not, try looking at this post. "Knowing God Knows and Loves Me."

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