
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dave Ramsey Challenge - Money Makeover

Over the holidays, my Father planned a workshop for all his married children and grandchildren. He decided to read Dave Ramsey's book "Total Money Makeover" after my brother suggested it to him.

My nephew and his wife read it just after getting married this last year and decided to live the way Dave suggests in his book. My nephew, in turn, bought a few copies and gave them to friends and family, including his dad, my brother. My brother, then spoke to my dad about it and they planned this "workshop" for our family.

My dad bought a case of the books (he has 8 children and about 10 married grandchildren.) He included a few adult grandchildren that aren't married in the workshop as well but made sure each married couple got a book.

My brother and my nephew made up a presentation with handouts and graphics to show in a basic format Dave's suggestions how to get out of debt. They would ask questions during the presentation and had people read to get everyone involved.

In the end, they gave us each a copy of the book and my family produced an incentive for each person to get the book read and get $1000 safety/emergency money on hand as step one. Once they have read the book and had a thousand dollar emergency fund, our family would match that money.

I used to love to read. But if you read my blog, you will know I am so busy with kids that if I sit down to read, I fall asleep. I did however, want to support the family in this and figured I could learn something so being resourceful, I called the local library and ordered the audio cd's of the book through the inter-library loan. After a few weeks, I figured the person I spoke with forgot to order it or perhaps they didn't have it. 

Imagine my surprise when last week, I got a phone call from the library. You won't believe where the book on audio came from.... Ohio. That is not my state or an adjoining state. Every time I have ordered something before, it has come from my state somewhere. I am amazed that they get it from anywhere in the U.S. and they mail it back and forth. There was $1 fee to rent it. I figure that was a great deal for me.

I listened to it while driving to Princess fours last drill competition this past weekend. I was able to listen to most on the drive and finished it up while working in the kitchen.

It is a WONDERFUL book that gives a useable way to get out of debt and retire comfortable. I think they should teach this class in high school so that kids don't go out and get into credit trouble right off which many do.

I realized that I am a bit more auditory when learning as I got much out of listening to it due to being able to hear the authors inflections and intentions where as when reading, there is much left to interpretation.

I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone and especially those just starting out. By following these steps, you can be debt free in a few years.

I am so grateful to my dad for purchasing all the books and trying to give his children and grandchildren a new start. I am grateful to the person who shared the book with my nephew in the first place and to my nephew for sharing with his dad and his dad for sharing with my dad.

I kept having people come to mind while reading that could benefit from this book. I will be sharing with them soon.

I am grateful to Dave Ramsey for making the mistakes that brought him to the place where he figured out what it takes to "Make it" and then taking the time to share it in a book so that so many others can learn from his mistakes and successes.

Here is a link to a movie that is his story. Not that it was made about him but it parallels what happened in his life and by watching this show, you can get a good idea of what he went through.

The movie is called "Stand Strong" and is available for download through itunes or for purchase online or at Christian book stores. Here is a link to the trailer on youtube. 

I hope you enjoy it and take the time to read Dave's book.

1 comment:

  1. I love Dave Ramsey. I listen to his radio show almost every day. Good, solid, practical advice so needed in our society today.
