
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mayday Parade - Newest Fan

Princess three was  talking about a band that she likes. They were coming to a town near where we live. She said she wanted to go.

When she said that, I thought, I need to win her some tickets.

We had a car break down (I'll share about that later) and we went to the tire store to see if we could get the tires off the broken car put onto one of our running cars. As we were going to leave, a man came out with a box, walked right up to me and said, "You need to enter to win some tickets." I asked him what the tickets were to and he replied "Mayday Parade Concert!"

I was a bit in shock that he walked up to me and that was probably the only place I could win tickets to that concert, but went ahead and put Princess three's name in for the drawing.

Skip forward a bit. She calls me telling me she won the tickets but had to work as an ambassador that weekend as it was their busiest college tour weekend.

Princess two wanted to take princess five but situations dictated that Princess five couldn't go. Princess four was asked to go by friends who gave her a ticket so Princess two and I went even though I didn't think I would know any of their songs.

I was a bit surprised that I actually knew some of their songs. Also, some of their songs sounded a bit like U2 of the 80's. I LOVE U2 if you remember, (See here for a post about that.) 

We really enjoyed ourselves. We sent princess three a few clips like this one so she could feel like she was there for a second. I thought all the band members were amazing but my favorite was the drummer by far. He was playing with all limbs and was singing some major parts of the music. How he can do all that at the same time and be amazing at all of it was something that put me in awe. I have never been able to play the drums or the piano for that matter by playing different rhythms at the same time. I guess that is why I am so amazed when Princesses play the drums so well.

For that reason, I posted this link showing the drummer playing on youtube. I wish he was singing at the same time so you could also be amazed but just know that I have seen some amazing concerts in my life, some BIG names (You can see a partial band list on the U2 post I linked in this post) and they were just as amazing live. Not the bling that the big bands have but they sounded just as good live as on their tracks.

Here is a link to their Drum Cover of  "Somebody that I used to know."

Here they are signing "We are the Champions" which I thought was really good.

You can visit their youtube page to hear more. Sometimes they also reminded me of "Jimmy Eat World" (see a post about them here) but I, in general, like their music more. There are some songs that will always mean more and I will like them more for one band or another but I really liked most of their music. Some of it reminded me of some of the local bands I saw in New Zealand almost 30 years ago. 

Three of us went to the concert for free. During the concert, they threw out free t-shirts. We ended up with three. One for Princess three that didn't get to go and we also got two Frisbees since one of the workers for the hosting tire store was sitting a few rows in front of us. Then, the owners of the tire stores son came walking by with a stadium seat cushion. He gave it to me. 

If that wasn't enough, we found a dime on the way out.  (see a post about that here

Heavenly Father really blessed us to all be able to see a fun band and all for free, along with getting some fun prizes for Princess three who couldn't go due to work. And, for me, he gave me a comfortable seat for the concert and reminded me on the way out to "trust in Him" as I couldn't have planned it better. He really does take care of us.

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