
Monday, February 25, 2013

Bouncing Around - Planking Fun

Princess Five arrived home from school on Friday with some fun hat action. They had a birthday party at school and I had to take a picture of her coming up the walk with her pink "hair" bouncing. 

One of the closets I cleaned out this weekend had these exercise balls in them. I didn't remember having so many. I used the silver ball to sit on when I would do Cranialsacral therapy but I haven't done anything with that recently. 

I forgot that Princess three and four got the red exercise balls when they were dancing on the fourth of July. Here is a link to that event.

I think I got the gold one as the silver was a bit low while I was doing the therapies with it. I then found a box with a new blue ball which I think is in between the silver and gold color in size. 

I decided to blow them all up and make sure they had no leaks before we sell them at the indoor yard sale. 

Princess five helped me fill them and then we started playing on them. 

Princess five would get them lined up and run at them and then roll from the largest to the smallest which is similar to those conveyor belt systems. She rolled gracefully over them and onto the floor. 

She then tried "planking" on them. It was hard for her to keep her balance for long as the balls wanted to flow in different ways. After a few minutes, she got it down. She bent over backwards on the gold ball and I think it will help her with her back walk-over but after leaving them blown up for a few days, she really seems to enjoy playing with and on them. 

Tonight before bed, she bounced on one for about 20 minutes. I sat wishing I had that type of energy but reality is, I am tired just thinking about it. 

Princess two had a busy day and depending on what she eats, has better and worse days.

I actually had something else to post about today but with some family things going on, it took me late into the night and so I thought I would post about these as Princess five looks so cute playing with the balls. 

The balls all held their air and I am debating between the silver and gold ball for my therapy chair in case I ever get back into doing that.

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