
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Moving Service and Bowling

One of my longest standing friends from the town in which we now live is moving. Her house sold this week and over the past month I have been helping her with finishing up projects, painting the old house to sell, painting the new house, putting beds and rooms together and final packing and cleaning of the old house. 

Having moved my sister so many times in the past few years and now my good friend recently, it makes me think how much I don't want to move all the stuff I have. I really need to weed down all my stuff even more than I have. 

Nothing like moving to evaluate why we keep things we may not use.

This past weekend, they needed to get everything out of their house and get it cleaned. I knew they were under a deadline and Princess five wanted to "hang out" with some friends. It is one of her good friends that is moving so I suggested that they get some friends together and help their friend finish packing her room. 

I was so impressed with the girls. They did everything I asked and worked really hard hauling load after load to where I told them to take it. When we left about four hours later, we had cleaned out the entire house and had it ready to go except four items that needed some fragile moving. I have never seen a group of girls move and work that hard without complaint. 

When it was over, my friend paid for them to go bowling and get a pizza. I grabbed the camera when I went back to pick them up after moving a load. Look at the smiles as they stood in the empty house. 

These friends moved in the same time we moved to this town. It was within months of each other. We have been in the same bunko group for 16 years. We ran a holiday boutique for years. We took quilting classes together and raised our children together. When her father died, I was there. When my mother almost died, and I went through my divorce, she was there. 

We have been through much together. They are only moving across town but it is amazing to me how when someone moves out of the neighborhood or congregation we tend to not see them as often. I hope we make the time to do things together as the kids get older.

The girls had fun and I was happy we could help them with the last bit of moving until they get their new house built. 

I am glad princess five has such a great group of friends. I hope she keeps them...

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