
Friday, July 15, 2022

Two Double Rainbows In A Week and It Continues

Just as I have been seeing 111 that I posted about yesterday, the last month I have seen so many rainbows! 
I saw something I have never seen before. It was a double rainbow that lasted about 45 minutes! I was visiting Princess One, and we were headed to a play, and it started before we left the house and continued while we drove to the play, and then for a good half hour after we sat in the rain at the play. 

It was SO beautiful, and framed her home and then at the theater, it framed the stage! 

A few days later as we were headed out to do some fireworks, once again, there was a double rainbow in the exact same spot! I asked Princess One if that was a regular occurrence and she said in the over 8 years they have lived there, she has seen maybe one other! 

I wanted to get some good photos of the family sitting to watch the fireworks they purchased, and as I was taking photos of her, she told me that the rainbow was coming down right over my head. I opened my mouth and everyone was laughing as I "swallowed" the rainbow! 

I got a few good photos, but the color was really dark on my camera. I should have used my actual camera to take some as there were THREE rainbows at one point. The two and attached to the lower rainbow was a third rainbow and the photos just didn't capture the colors. I wish I had used my camera instead of my phone.

I have seen several other rainbows and this morning my friend Matt sent me a text with a photo of a rainbow telling me he saw it today and thought of me. 

I was shopping at a thrift store and saw a rainbow on the back of a book. The book was about leprechauns and had a rainbow on the back cover! 

As I was writing this post, I was watching a Netflix show on fishing called "Battlefish" and just as I was starting my post, I was transferring the photos and labeling them "rain" to save them, the men on the show said, "A rainbow" and then joked about the tuna being at the end of the rainbow etc for a few minutes. It was weird I was watching it as I had watched it before, and there are so many things I haven't watched I wasn't sure why it showed up on the suggestions to watch, but since I just listen most of the time I just let it play. It was interesting that I was watching it for a second time just as I was posting about rainbows. 

 It is so interesting to me how at certain times in my life, the different things come up. Sometimes, it is all 111's, and other times it is certain songs, but lately, I have had lots of everything going on.  A few weeks back it was about finding coins! In fact as we went into the play seeing the first double rainbow, as we went to sit down, there was a penny just under our chairs. Grand Princess Found a coin another day while I was visiting as well! 

It seems like my mother, God, and the Cosmos is trying to let me know things are "OK" as they are all going on at once! 

I am grateful to have reminders to Trust in God, and reminders that my mother loves me as the rainbow is a reminder of her as she sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" to us each night! The 111's have just always showed up as I needed reminders. I have links above to each of my first posts about these things to help explain them more. 

I almost forgot. As I was scrolling through Facebook tonight, one of my extended family members posted a complete double rainbow on their feed. I looked to see if it was maybe one of the ones I saw as that isn't such a common thing except this year for some reason. Hers was new and not the same city. So, in the past month or so, I have seen three double rainbows myself. One in my town and two in Princess One's town. Here is the link to the one in my town just a few weeks back. 

As I was looking at my YouTube Channel tonight, I laughed when I looked at my income for ads as it was $191.11. Once again, a 111!

I am blessed!

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