
Monday, July 18, 2022

Just Under Six Hours On The Phone

I didn't get much sleep last night, so after church, I decided to take a nap. I had my phone on silent from church and forgot to put the ringer back on. 

I woke from my nap and noticed I missed a call from my girls and my sister. I called some of the girls as one was supposed to talk in church, but I couldn't reach her. I ended up calling another  daughter and spoke to her for nearly an hour. 

I then had a long call with my friend Matt and the call was disconnected. I called back and we had another long call. 

I had a long call back from my sisters who I called for a short call in between for a bit and then we planned the longer call about some family events coming up and talked about finishing my mothers estate distribution. 

I then got a call back from Princess Two who I had called earlier. So between the shorter calls and the longer calls, I was on the phone for nearly 6 hours. 

I am still so tired that I have fallen asleep three times while trying to write this. I don't usually talk on the phone like that for many years now. It was weird being on the phone that long. I am headed to bed. 

Have a blessed day!

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