
Tuesday, July 19, 2022

In God We Trust, 111, And Doing Todays Work Today

I shared how tired I was last night in my blog post for today. I saw a quote today on Facebook that I really felt went with how I have been feeling. I took a photo and it is at the top of the page. I really just need to do what I can do today as I am constantly feeling guilty I am not getting more done each day. 

I got calls early today from the Neurologist office about my reaction to the shot I gave myself last week for a migraine. 

I told the office it wasn't an emergency, but just wanted the Dr. to know that I had a reaction and wouldn't be taking anymore shots. I got a call after falling back to sleep from a Dr. wanting to know how my reaction was. I told her what happened and how I reacted and that I wouldn't be taking those shots anymore. I mentioned it wasn't an emergency and that I just wanted the Dr. to know the shots didn't work as our appointment was a month out and I didn't know if he wanted me to try a different medication before our next appointment. 

I fell back asleep and got a third call from the Dr. covering and she said that she had spoken to my Dr. and he said that they needed to report the reaction and that I shouldn't take any more shots and that they would notify my insurance that I had tried two tiers of medication that were unsuccessful for my migraines and they would hopefully now cover the medication that did work but isn't usually covered under most insurance plans until all other medication has been tried. I asked if there was a way I could donate the rest of the shots to somewhere so they could give it to someone who may need it that didn't have the funds to purchase it and she told me that they can't take it and the pharmacy can take it and dispose of it but can't do anything with it so I should just throw it out. I understand the reasoning, but it is such a waste of money.

I am SO very grateful for God's hand in my life. I wouldn't have even known to ask to see a neurologist if I hadn't gone to a radiologist in another city just to ask what they schedule was like that day to see if I could get my cat-scan of my lungs done there. I had a migraine and was talking to the receptionist when a nurse came to the desk and over heard me talking and mentioned that she also had one and I asked her if she had tried Nurtec for her headaches and told her that I had tried Nurtec and that it had taken the bulk of the headache away, but my insurance wouldn't cover it. 

She then reported that her insurance told her the same thing and that she had to go see a neurologist to get him to say that she needed that as the other medications hadn't worked. So, I am grateful that someone nudged her to come into the conversation so that I would know to ask my Dr. to give me a referral to the neurologist. 

The Dr.'s all mentioned the anti nausea medications and I now have several to try next migraine, but that doesn't help with the splitting head which causes the nausea, so I hope that the insurance will cover the Nurtec so I can stop having so many non-functioning days. 

There has been rain almost daily for a week at some point in the day, which is so wonderful as we need the rain, but it hasn't been the best for my head. 

On a wonderful note, I went to the store yesterday and there was a penny in the self-checkout I went to out of  the five there and I happened on my turn to get that checkout. Then, I got a statement for one of my retirement plans and it showed a $111,000 for the quarter on the statement and I just smiled as God is in the details of my life. 

My friend Matt sent a thoughtful gift and the routing number had a 111 in it. We were on a call and our call disconnected at 11:11 on its own, and on and on. I saw rainbows many times in the past few days, heard it said several times on shows, and am still seeing the 111 everywhere. 

I am not sure why it is so prevalent in my world right now, but I am grateful to have those reminders in my life. Here is a link to the 111 posts. Here is a link to the first rainbow post, and here is a link to the first "In God We Trust" post. 

I feel very blessed and I hope you are as well!

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