
Friday, April 8, 2022

Blessed with Good Friends

I woke up to a wonderful email about a gift that someone is having made for me and it is near completion. It started my day off helping me realize I am blessed with good friends. 

Later in the day, I got a compliment on my hair and I was once again reminded how blessed I am with good friends as my friend Emma cut my hair for free and I have gotten so many compliments on it. You can link to that post here.

I was at the grocery store a bit later, and I looked up from the bananas I was bagging in the produce section and I saw one of my good friends and neighbors who was shopping with her daughter. As I saw them, I had a weird "life review" of my experiences with this friend. How we were in the leadership of our women's organization at church for years and the daughter that was with her was a toddler. I thought of the long conversations we have had over children and family. About how she was planning on moving a few years ago, and the conversation I had with her daughter recently about singing in church together. I was so moved that I took a photo of them shopping and when they came near me, I shared that I took their photo and was going to post it on Facebook about how much I love her and admire her. She then reminded me she isn't on Facebook. We both laughed. 

After arriving home, I had the thought to write my good friend Julie who made my girls wedding cake toppers. She and I were great friends when she lived near me, and since she moved far away, we visit regularly on the phone. I texted her and asked how she was doing, and what was going on in her world, and we texted back and forth. 

I then changed into my P.J's and immediately got a text from another friend who also moved out of town, but still has her son living in town in her home. I guess he had a kitchen fire and she was in town to get things working towards repairs in the kitchen. She texted to ask me for help in designing her new kitchen. She just arrived at a hotel in town and wondered if I could come to her hotel and help her design and get ideas for her kitchen. 

I got dressed and went over and I was so tired from my long day before, but was happy to visit with her and help in any way that I could. I had just been thinking of her recently and wondered how she was doing as her husband died recently. I was able to catch up with her and we drew out some design options and color options for her kitchen. She seemed really happy with the ideas we came up with, and I was glad to be able to see her. She has lost 100 lbs and seems much happier than the last few times I have seen her with all the stress she has had with losing her husband and moving. 

I came home and was amazed at how many friends I am blessed with in my life! So many willing to serve me, do kind things for me, say kind and loving words to me, and as I drifted off to sleep, I felt very loved pondering on how blessed I am with good friends!

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