
Monday, April 11, 2022

Health Update - Liver, Parasite, Thyroid, Lungs and Migraines

I have blogged updates over the past few weeks on my health. Specifically, about my liver, lungs, migraines, and thyroid medication. 

I had a comment on a video recently that was probably the longest comment I have ever gotten on YouTube, but it started with, "I'm Sorry, But..." When I got the notification, I laughed out loud because when someone starts a sentence with I'm Sorry but... you know a rude comment is coming next. 

I read about three sentences and decided there was no point in going on. It was a ramble of someone trying to be nice enough to get me to continue reading, but then telling my why I would be dead if I had a parasite etc. 

I have to scroll down to the bottom to delete the post and my mouth dropped when I had to scroll down, down, and more down. Someone has NO life to have time to write a novel like that. I love that YouTube allows me to moderate the comments on my channel and that I can delete them as soon as they come in, and just by the first few words that show up on the notification, I can tell if I need to delete and block the writer or post. 

I have blocked so many "haters" that I don't get many anymore. After ten years on YouTube and blocking all those types of people, I have been blessed to not have many over the past few years. I think that once the haters start reading the comments, they can tell I block and delete them. 

I have so many kind comments and followers that I think they realized that it isn't worth taking the time to comment. It is a blessing to not have to deal with it. Also, I have so many "Block" words, that if someone using any of those types of words, the comment doesn't even show up for me to see. I keep adding offensive words to the "Block" list as they come through and now after all that time, there aren't many posts that come through. 

I am so glad I am moving forward to try and figure out my health stuff. I hope I find out some answers soon! 

Have a blessed day!

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