
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Last Minute Road Trip - Cousins Dinner

It was after 11 on Monday night when I got up for the day after my horrible headache. I made a comment on my cousins post on Facebook being in town for a funeral. 

I commented on the post saying that we should have had a party with them in town as we could have caught up and visit. She mentioned that they were in town for another day and asked if I was in a place where I could take a road trip and visit with them. 

I contacted Princess Two and asked if she wanted to travel with me to see them and I could pick her up on my way through her city. She said she could take some time off and go to dinner with us. 

I only got a few minutes sleep due to being in bed with that horrible migraine all day and was grateful it had finally left but I will say that my ribs, shoulder, and diaphragm were SUPER sore from all the vomiting and dry heaving I did the day before. 

We arrived about an hour before the dinner and stopped off at a thrift store to see if we could find some jewelry, but there wasn't any jewelry, but we both found a few treasures while we passed that hour. 

We arrived at the Indian Restaurant and immediately were in heaven visiting with cousins we haven't seen in many years. I LOVED visiting with them and they all looked so wonderful. All have moved from the from larger cities through the East to Midwest and West Coast cities. Another had been living in Thailand and came home during Covid. I was so glad that I was able to make that trek to visit with them. 

We had a video call from my cousins cute wife and children as well. I was also able to visit with my niece and nephew and my sister and her husband. I love that I was able to visit with them. I drove home after the dinner and arrived really late / early. 

I don't like driving that much in one day, but seeing all those people I love made it worth the long day! 

Have a blessed day!

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