
Friday, March 19, 2021

Lots of 111's, In God We Trust Coins and Rainbows

In the past few weeks, I have seen 111 over and over. When working at the food bank, it seems like I kept seeing 111 on nearly every box. 

Last week I was watching a show and there was a 111 on the show. Then yesterday, I was watching a show on Netflix and I saw a 111 on a phone in the show and took a photo. 

I found a coin or two at the food bank while cleaning. I found two coins at the store yesterday, and several coins while cleaning at my friends. I found a coin just outside my car while helping my other friend last week. 

I saw a rainbow last week and then today while I was shopping, there was a deck of cards with the word "Rainbow" on the back. I though I took a photo but ended up with a photo of the bottom of the shopping cart. ha ha 

If you don't know what each of those things " mean, I will post links below. 

Here is a link to the original 111 post. 

Here is a link to the original "In God We Trust" post.

Here is a link to the original "Rainbow Post."  

I have seen these more often recently which I hope is a sign that good things are coming!  

Have a Blessed Day!

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