
Monday, March 22, 2021

I sold 100 Pounds of Jewelry and Am Glad It Is Out of The House

I found a few jewelry bags recently. I haven't found much in the last few bags but a little bit of silver. 

I am trying to clean out the house and had a bin and box of bagged jewelry to donate, give away, sell, or use for Halloween. I decided to try and sell it all at the same time or see if I could get some buyers to come fill up some bags. 

I had one person come and fill up a bag and give me $20 and then I had another lady come and she bought the entire two containers for $165. 

I hauled one of the them to the car for her and she was THRILLED with the purchase. She showed me what she bought the jewelry for as she has started making gourds where she weaves pine needles on them, and then does like a shoelace up the front and puts pieces of jewelry on it. 

I asked her to send me a few photos that I could show on my blog and waited for a few days hoping she would send them, but she didn't so I looked some up online. Here is a link to a Pinterest page that has lots of these gourds. 

I had never seen anything like it before and now can understand why she was so excited to get that jewelry. For the price of one or two gourd sells, she got enough jewelry for a lifetime of making them. 

I am glad to have it out of the house but as it left, I had a second of withdrawals as I love having things handy for crafts and being able to share with others. It was only a second and then I was relieved to have it gone. It has been planted at the base of one of the girls beds for over a year. I sell some, I put more in, I sell some, I put more in. 

Things have shifted at the second hand stores in town so I really don't know how many more bags I will be able to find so I may just need to finish posting the last videos I have already recorded and be done. It has been a good run. 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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