
Friday, January 1, 2021

New Year's Eve Party at my Sisters

I didn't have any plans for New Years Eve, my girls have returned to their homes so it would be just me. 
I was running some errands and I ran into a few of my nieces coming out of Walmart and asked what they were doing tonight for New Years Eve and they said they were going to play games. 
I got home and my sister called to invite me over for the night.  I thought that was sweet of her to invite me over. I asked what I could take for the evening and she said I could make a treat that I could eat as she was making some homemade Oreo's. 
I made some caramel popcorn and picked up a movie on my way over at Redbox. We watched the Liam Neeson Movie "Honest Thief" and then played "Five Crowns" while snacking.

Before midnight, they turned on the TV to watch the dropping of the ball in NY and it was a bit different because of covid. It was interesting how they were able to make "pods" to keep people at distances due to Covid. The ball drops and I couldn’t believe that the first song they played after the ball dropped was "Goo Goo Dolls" singing “IRIS” which always shows up in my life. 

Here is a link to the original post about that song.

Here is a second post about that song.  

Here is a third post about that song. 

Here is a fourth post about that song. 

And yet another post mentioning that song.


Seriously, I couldn’t believe that the beginning song for the year was that song! “I don’t want the world to see me” is the theme song for this year for me! It has been my theme song for so many years! I don’t know what is going on, it is so weird. 

I gave my niece that is expecting a foot rub, visited with all the girls one on one, got some fun pictures and my sister spent the day making jalapeno strawberry jam so she sent me home with a jar. I was able to share some items with her today as well. 

I hope you had a safe and fun New Years Eve and pray that the year 2021 will be a better year for us all!

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