
Monday, January 4, 2021

Gluten Free Swiss Cheese and Jam Sandwich - Better Than Expected

My sister made some jam on New Years Eve. She found flats of strawberries and raspberries at a discount store last week along with some jalapenos and thought since they were inexpensive, she would try making some jam. 

She had tried it before and thought it was great, so she was excited to be able to afford making / trying it. When I went over to her home, she offered some jam and I told her I don't usually eat it due to the gluten free situation, but when she told me that it was spicy, I was excited to try it.

I don't normally eat jam or jelly and since I can't eat peanut butter anymore due to not handling fats well, and since I have been gluten free for so many years, I just don't use jam or jelly and if I get some, I share it with my daughter's family. 

I was interested in tasting the jam as I have never had jalapenos in anything sweet before. I have heard that it is good in chocolate and sweet things before but have never tried it. I have some gluten free crackers, but they are more savory and they were "OK" but it wasn't great. The jam does have a bit of a kick to it, but I thought it would be better with something non-savory. 

My sister said it is really good with cream cheese and crackers giving creamy and sweet, but I didn't have any cream cheese at home, so I decided to eat it with sliced Swiss cheese. It was really good!  

I am still craving Swiss cheese anyway, so eating it in the sandwich form with the jelly in between gives me the Swiss I am craving as well as a sweet and spicy kick! It is really good. 

I figured I would share the idea to use cheese as the bread along with the jam / jelly as I would have never thought of doing that before. I would try it with other jams as well even though I haven't eaten jam in years. It may become a new favorite! 

Have a blessed day!

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