
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Creative You Aromatherapy, Candle Making, Bath Bomb DIY Kits


I started sharing yesterday about Princess Three and her boyfriend doing a "bath bomb" Do It Yourself "creative you" Bath Bomb making kit while home over Christmas. 

I am sorry I have been so tired the past few weeks. I am back to falling asleep when I sit down and can't seem to get enough sleep. 

Back to what I started yesterday, sharing about the "Creative You" DIY kits. I bought each girl a bath bomb kit, Candle Making Kit, Aromatherapy Kit, and a Soap Making Kit. In the end, they didn't want to do the kits. I ended up giving my nieces some and a few of the girls took them for gifts / activities for their roommates. 

I pulled apart a few of the aromatherapy kits to use with my own essential oils and can say that I wasn't all that impressed with the aromatherapy kit. The scents didn't smell much. It said essential oils, but the oils were thicker than they would be if it were just oil, so they must have been some type of thickening oil in them. One of the lids was cracked and some of the sunflower oil leaked. I wouldn't suggest the essential oil kit.

The Bath Bomb Kits were fun for them to make, but I think they should have included more molds as they take an hour or two to dry, so you can't make the entire kit at the same time. Also, they didn't include a dropper for the water so the first time they mixed the water in to make the sandy texture to put in the molds, more water poured in than they wanted and the entire mixture foamed over filling a big mess in the bowl. 

They ended up throwing the mix out and starting over. The second time, they were so worried about adding so much water that they literally were using their finger tips to drip water into the mix. If they would have included a dropper, the situation wouldn't have happened wasting a bit of the mixture. 

They ended up remaking it and filled the two molds but had to let them dry for an hour or more and of course, they didn't want to leave it out for all that time to come back to it, so I think if you want to do the kit, make sure you have some extra containers to mold the mixture into so you can make the entire kit at one time. 

Princess Three was happy with her bombs and took the rest of the kit home with her to make a few more, but in reality, they could have just taken it to make the volcanic reaction that happens when you mix water into the powders. 

Princess Four decided to take two of the Candle kits so I can really give any feedback on that kit until later as I kept one of each kit to do with the grandchildren. 

I would suggest the kits other than the aromatherapy kit. I look forward to doing the kits with the grandchildren! 

Have a blessed day!

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