
Monday, March 19, 2018

Sweet Words Heal The Heart and 111 From Heaven Sweetens The Day

I got a sweet comment on one of my posts yesterday. At the end of each day, I check my youtube account and blog for comments needing replies. 
Yesterday, I had this super sweet comment about one of my posts. I wrote the blog about a month ago and you can see that post here.
It was called "The Power Of Touch For Good."
The comment the person wrote is below along with my reply to their kind post: 

What a beautiful and lovely blog. Thank you for sharing your life in such an open and kind way. You've inspired me to do the same. :)

  1. Dear Unknown, I hope people take the time to comment as sometimes it feels like I am writing to this reply reaches you. I am so grateful when myself. I started this blog during my divorce in hopes that it would touch those needing information on my family but in a positive way rather than a negative way 
    I get comments of all sorts, but your comment today truly touched me. Thank you for sharing that with me. I am grateful for you and your kind words. I wish you well on your blogging journey and pray we both can be of use in the Masters hands when needed! Have a BLESSED Day! 

  2. I loved that someone felt inspired by something I wrote and was grateful they took the time to say I inspired them as those type of comments inspire me! 
  3. The cherry on top of the day was when I went into my account for ads for the day and when I saw that my income was $1.11 for the day, I couldn't help but think that my Heavenly Father was giving me a sweet comment as well. If you read my blog, you will know that when I see a 111 in my world, it is usually a sweet message letting me know that God is watching over me. Here is the first post on my 111 moments and you can search my blog for many, many more 111 moments but I haven't shared many of them with you recently. 
  4. It was a sweet day overall. I hope you also have a Sweet and Blessed Day!

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