
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Princess Five Has Moved to Her Last Home in Japan

Well look who it is... My favorite beautiful Hito!

Have you all gotten lots of beauty sleep recently? I did. Because I had to take a four hour bus ride to my new (and probably last) AREA!!

Beautiful People, Welcome to Obihiro. Where the wind is SO strong, and the pork is famous! Good stuff! My new companion is Sister Koba! She is an ANGEL!!! She is 24, and the one of the cutest  nihonjin you've ever seen!

I already love the ward, and am excited for all the miracles. Speaking of miracles.....

My baby Bean Brinker Shimai stayed in Suehiro! She got a Nihonjin Companion as well. She is going to be fluent in no time! We were able to do one last lesson with our beloved Yuka san. She is already to Enos.. what? She thinks the Book of Mormon is true... I think she will receive baptism soon!

It was hard to say goodbye to Brinkerhoff shimai. I don't think I've cried while leaving a companion. I cried when my trainer went home, but yeah. Beans are special! 

We were also able to have a pancake party for white day! Satomi chan came! It was awesome. We talked about Joseph Smith, and she talked about how she prayed at her Christian Kindergarten, so prayer isn't foreign to her! So awesome. Please be baptized. 

The ward members were so cute about transfers. They really liked our singing companionship, but I think they will love sister Satou too! Maybe she can play an instrument, and they can keep making lots of videos in the ward of musical things! 

I made it safely to Obihiro. Shout out at everyone who made that possible. 

Obihiro!!! So the are was white washed aka had 2 new shimai transfer in at the same time, last transfer. So, there isn't a lot of stuff to work with, but I'm all about new beginnings. #theatonement.

This area has 6 missionaries. That is a new one. 4 elders, and 2 shimai. But 2 of the elders are living far awayish, so that is a fun new thing. But I like it. It makes teaching Eikaiwa way more easy. AND, my birthday twin, Elder Gar and I are working together again this transfer! Throwback to Higashi! And also Smith Chorou transferred from Suehiro to Obihiro, so we will just continue to party, and serve the Lord! Ya! 

We had stake conference yesterday! They broadcasted it from Sapporo, a 4-5ish hour drive, kind of far away from the mission office, but that is ok! We had a meal, and there was a couple who had gotten sealed recently so it was kinda like a little reception. SOOO cute. I LOVE love!!! 

I found a 100 yen coin on the ground this week. In America, coins say 'In God We Trust' on them. So I've always taken that as a sign that God is aware of me. It is pretty rare to find coins on the ground here. Especially a 100 yen coin. That is about equal to a dollar. I put it in my pocket and every time I reach into my pocket, I am reminded to trust in God.

Being obedient brings joy. Not keeping the commandments brings misery. It is a lot more happy and fun to prepare and prevent than to repair and prevent. Both are good options, and I'm grateful for repentance, but just do the right thing first that way you don't have to repent. It makes life more joyful. I promise and testify of that I the name of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen! 


Pancake night! 

Our Ward mission leader Mat Kyo. He will make a great missionary.

Yuka san and Kuro shimai! 

She is our mom! 

She made us hair pieces for our kimonos. I love her! 

The yosh fuufu!!! They came and gave us these frogs. Frog and return are the same word in Japanese. Kaeru. So shout out at that pun! 

Bye Bye my Beloved Brinker shimai! 

Meet my new best friend for the next 6 weeks, Koba Shimai!

Have a Blessed Day! 

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