
Friday, March 16, 2018

Cat In The Hat Rainy Day - Seuss Quilt Part 2

I shared yesterday that I am making a "Dr. Seuss" quilt for Princess Two. She has loved Seuss since she was a baby and loves many of his quotes and at one point she said she would like a Seuss Wedding.

I don't know that she would still want a Seuss Wedding but I think I could make a cool reception of Seuss Stuff including Truffula Trees. I am quite creative and think that would be super fun!

However, I have gone on a tangent.... I worked for hours last night and today on cutting the quilt squares down to even the row height and lengths. Half way through working on it, I decided that I wanted to shift the rows and not have alternating pants at every other end so I had to video chat with Princess Two after work to have her help me move some of the squares around since I made that executive choice on the pj bottoms. 

I think now, I am going to just put a strip of that pj bottoms pattern print on both sides of each row like a finish on the edges that will hang over the edge of the bed. I am liking that idea much better and when I video chatted with Princess Two, the squeals of delight when she saw the quilt make it so fun! She kept saying how much she LOVED the quilt! 

It was raining today and I just didn't feel like going out even though I had a few things going on, it was just a "cat in the hat" gloomy type of day. I figured I had better get this and the Broadway quilt done and then get working on my mothers stuff as Princess Four will be home soon and needs her room back. 

I would like to finish this quilt before Princess One has her baby in a few weeks so I can drop it off at Princess Two's for Easter on my way to help Princess One with the kids. 

I am really loving how this quilt is looking and think it will be a fun quilt for years to come. I know we had a "Mr. Brown Can Moo" shirt somewhere but we couldn't find it for all our looking.... If I find it, we will have to use it on a pillow case. I really was surprised that we were able to find so many fun Seuss shirts. I would have bet against us finding all these but it sure has been an adventure! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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