
Monday, February 26, 2018

Step Sister Delight - Into the Woods For Princess Five

As you may know, if you read the blog, Princess Five is super busy finishing up her last semester for her associates degree.

She is taking 19 credits and is in the spring musical. They have quite a few performances and she is so busy I don't hear from her much. She tried out for the musical hoping for a lead but since she isn't in the Music program or the Drama program so those select few roles were semi preselected.

She was happy to get even a minor roll in the play and ended up being on of the step-sisters. We thought it was funny that she has already played a step-sister in the production of Cinderella a few years back. Here is a link to my post about that with some videos of her performance as well. 

Funnier still, she was in "Into the Woods" as a small girl and played one of Cinderella's birds. It was when she was about 4 or 5.

I don't have the family pictures scanned from back then so I couldn't find one of her as a bird in the play but we thought it was fun that she got to be in the same play and the same "roll" but different plays.  

I am sad in some ways that she is graduating a year early with her associates degree due to taking so many college credits in high school. I'm sad because I would love to see her in the productions next year but she is smart to get her degree ahead of schedule. 

She has worked hard and is maintaining her scholarship to take to another school to get a four year degree but she isn't sure what she wants to do for a career. She is thinking about serving as a missionary as most of her sisters have. 

Princess Two was picked up along the way as Princess Three and her boyfriend were traveling through to come to the play to support Princess Five. She was SO happy to have so many of the family there to support her. 

While there, she showed us that she was on the cover of the school paper which was fun. She was happy to have a role in the play and to be on stage doing what she loves. 

She was grateful for the flowers from her sisters and gifts she got from me but I think her real gift is just being on stage. 

We now have a tradition of having sushi after the show as this is the third show this year and I couldn't resist getting more for this one as she loves it so much. It really made her night. 

I am so grateful that the girls were willing to travel on a snowy winters evening to support their sister and that Princess Three's boyfriend was willing to do some of the driving! 

We are so blessed. 

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