
Friday, February 23, 2018

The Legend of Dangling Rope Marina - Lake Powell, Utah

My father is the most active person I have ever met. For my entire life, he hiked the largest mountain in the area at least once a week but even more if he could. He and his brothers don't sit still. Our families often joke about how we get to a destination and within minutes the brothers are all restless to move on. I think they must have nomad blood in their veins.  

There hasn't been a trip or vacation where he didn't take a hike of some kind. He also golfed every chance he got wherever he traveled. He had golf clubs in his car for years until he broke his arm and couldn't golf anymore.

Many years ago, I was at a family reunion and they asked us to do a skit. I wanted to do a song parody about my dad so I asked his sister to tell me a story about my dad that he wouldn't have told us.

She told us that he came home from jeeping one time and his hands and chest were all "sanded down and raw" and they had to ask his brother and friends what had happened to him as she said he never talked about the incident.

From that reunion day on, my dad would share the story with us but I had never heard this story in such detail as he told this day and I think it was because I made him a "life quilt" and I asked if he would share some stories on video so I could share them with my grand-children. 

I don't know that anyone besides my immediate family knows the story of why "Dangling Rope Marina" got its name. Hopefully after sharing this, people will know the truth about that name. I can testify that it is true and I am sure his brother and friends could verify the story as well.

I thought I would show him hiking in snow and sand... I have pictures of him with huge packs in Alaska, on a camel in Egypt, on top of Mayan Ruins in South and Central America and many camping pictures. He gave me an adventurous spirit.

Here is a picture of me hiking a 1 mile trail which is super steep at about age 4. I still love traveling and seeing new things. I was able to hike Wayna Picchu at Machu Picchu twice in my life. Not many people can probably say that. 

I am grateful he shared this story with us and am glad that I asked my aunt for a story as now it has become a legend in our family. 

Take the time to record your own legends and stories so you don't regret not getting it while you can! 

Have a Blessed Day! 

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