
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Celebrating Mom's Birthday - It's About Time

My Mother has had a few difficult years, well, actually, she has had a fairly horrible past seven years or so. She has had many health problems almost passing on a few times. 

She is very forgetful and has had a hard time doing much of anything. It is sad that her health has deteriorated so much as she truly is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. 

She has toured the world several times doing amazing things and knows a little about everything and much about most things. 
She raised eight children who are all wonderful functioning adults and has over 50 grandchildren that are now off doing amazing things around the world. 

She is to the point where she need oxygen on all the time and most days, just getting to the dining room in her building is about all she gets done. 

She was always such an amazing person teaching seminars around the world and speaking to large audiences for most of her life. 

We went to dinner a few weeks ago to celebrate her birthday as we have been bad not getting together with her as a family but just one on one. 

My sister and I took her out shopping before dinner and bought her some perfume and some nail polish etc. 

I LOVE "Happy" perfume by Clinique. We found some and I let her smell it and she liked it. We grabbed it to purchase and wouldn't you know what number was on the bottom of the box?!? 

Yep, it was 111. I knew I was in the right place doing the right thing for my mom.(Click her for the 111 story.) I planned the dinner and shopping event. We all enjoyed singing to her at the restaurant and I know she enjoyed her time with most of her children. 

Here is post one about her big accident.

Here is post two about her almost passing on. 

Here is a post where she gets admitted with low iron.

Here is a post about her more recent diagnosis and hospital stay. 

It has been some time since she sat at the head of the table with most of her children at the same table. I don't know how many more birthdays we will have with her but I hope that however long she has left, it is a happy time for her. I am grateful for all she has done for me. I am truly blessed to have this angel as my mother.

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