
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Updating The Christ Brag Table - Part 3

I posted recently about how we updated the coffee table in my front room. Here is a link to the first post I wrote nearly five years ago on my "brag" table. 

Here is a link to the updated post a few weeks ago. We just replaced some of the pictures as the sun had faded them.. 

Five years ago when I started blogging, our internet was so slow we couldn't watch videos or upload them well. In the past year or so, it has gotten better and I can upload shorter videos now so I thought I would just upload a video on how I made the table and some other options on how to make different variations of the table.

I included how you can just put a square of fabric under the glass to "frame" the pictures. I have done this for table clothes in the past. I would put a cute fabric and then use the thicker clear plastic bought from the roll at Walmart or a fabric store over the fabric and then I could keep the cloth clean yet have it be decorative all the time. 

This works well for a table that isn't nice. It may be old or just in need of refinishing. By covering it with fabric, you can make it have a fresh look that matches the curtains or furniture without replacing the table. The plastic cover lets you just wipe up the mess and the cloth still looks wonderful.

I thought if you had a dresser or another piece of furniture that belonged to a specific family member, you could put glass on the top of the dresser and put pictures from that persons life under the glass. 

You could just make it a family history table with pictures of all the ancestors. Wouldn't it be fun to do a 'Family Tree" line where you start with you and branch out and have that be your coffee table or dresser. 

I thought it would be a great surprise for someone if you gave their office desk an upgrade by printing out some pictures of you together in different spots and stuck them on their office desk and covered the entire desk with glass. It would give them a reminder of why they work so hard..... 

I think covering a counter in a "game room" with ticket stubs, pictures of you at the sports event and programs would be fun, cover the entire counter with glass. 

If you  don't like the "bar" made of paneling in your basement, paint the entire thing black, put pictures of you at the theater, ticket stubs and play bills on the top and cover the top with glass. It would be a very inexpensive way to makeover that old counter, bar or table you don't like.

Just be creative. You could even put some fabric on top of the bar, then put the pictures, stubs etc and then cover with glass. 

Wouldn't a world map covering the top of the table and pictures of you in different countries placed on the map be a cute table topper and a great conversation starter for a coffee table, office desk or dinner table! 

The options are endless. I would love to see what you create! Hope to hear all about it!

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