
Friday, May 15, 2015

111 Life For Me

I wanted to write about my wonderful mothers day weekend but I have not been doing well this week. I am going to see a Dr. next week and need him to send me to a specialist as I can't see the specialist without a primary MD sending me.

My lungs feel like rubber bands are gripping them and I am having heart and chest pain. These are all symptoms along with many others that go with what I think I have. I will post about it all when I can get the actual diagnosis as I want to help others who may be in a similar situation. 

I searched my symptoms for years not putting them all together and so hopefully, I will be able to help others suffering as I know for sure one issue but I think I have several going on at the same time. 

This week, I have several horrible rashes that wake me at night on my upper arms and other spots. I keep taking pain killers and doing other things but mostly, just watching something to take my mind off wanting to scratch my skin off. 

I thought today would be a good day to post about all the 111's in my life. (If you don't know about my 111, or one, one, one thing, click here for the first post about that.) I have seen many in the past week but the ones on this post are several months. Of course, many times I can't whip out a camera and document it but when I have a camera handy, I have pulled it out and taken photos.

The top photo is one of a show I was watching while working in the yard and splitting the wood a month or two ago. It is a series about a Dr. I like most medical shows as I am in the medical field. I laughed when I saw the number for one of the main characters in the show, of course it was a 111 number. 

On that show, later on, there is an auction and the person behind the actor kept bidding with number 111. 

I smiled when I finished a game while waiting at some point and the total of moves was 111. 

I purchased a Pooh book set for Grand-Princess and wasn't surprised when I looked at the number on the set as 111.

I do the notes for the local food bank board meetings and last month at our meeting, I was looking at our year end budget for the year. It was $111,432. I smiled knowing that God has had his hand in the food bank for years and has many times blessed me through it and many others as well. Why wouldn't the number have a 111 in it? 
A few months back, I decided to start adding more videos to my youtube account as I blog about things anyway, I should put a video on for those who don't search for information on blogs so I figured out the home screen for my channel (I still don't know that half of it) and shook my head in disbelief that I had exactly 111 videos. 
I never checked that type of thing. I would just hit "upload" from the front youtube screen never going into my "channel" at all as my videos weren't doing advertisements, there was no reason to look at that page. 

While figuring out the videos and learning how to put ads on them, I saw that two of my videos are actually 1:11 in length. I don't think I could plan or time that. 

I am forever ending calls at 1:11 like the one above. It came in at 1:10 and was a minute long so when I hung up the phone, it was 1:11. 

I constantly see the clock at 11:11 still. The bottom screen shot came up on eBay a few months ago as I was searching for something. 

I have seen it more and more lately and believe that since I have been struggling more with my health and not feeling well, God is reminding me to trust him. I've found lots of money recently and at key points, still see the 111. 

Some of the pictures above are my sister and I taking some photos from my aunts funeral to Walgreens to scan them. I found a penny on the way in to one and on the way out of another as the scanners were broken in the first store. Guess what the store number was for the second store? Yep 9111. 
I was getting scans so I could make copies of all those photos for all the cousins as she was a triplet and not all of the offspring of the triplets got copies of all that she had so I was grateful her children allowed my sister and I to take their photos and scan them. It was a blessing and I know that I need reminders sometimes to keep the faith that everything is in His time and care as when you don't feel good, sometimes it is hard to remember. Here is a link to a post the week of her funeral.

I love my 111 life!

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