
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hi Ho Silver and the Six Million Dollar Week

Remember last Monday when I posted about playing "The Six Million Dollar Man" game and watching a movie with my girls?  

Here is a link to that post.

I had never seen a game or an action figure for "The Six Million Dollar Man" ever before in my life before that. 
I play the game with my girls and blogged about it and within a week, I end up finding and action figure of him at a second hand store for $1. 

I have never seen one and withing seconds of seeing it, I knew exactly who it was. I thought maybe his eye fell out but then I realized that his eye has a magnifying glass in it and when you look through the hole at the back of his head, you can see through his head and it is magnified. 
It is so cool! There is a little button on the back that you can push to move his head as well.   

He has a "bionic" arm and waist. He is wearing his red sweatsuit that he wore all the time and is what he is wearing on the cover of the game we played. 

I have collected a few old games over the past few years as I want to put them on the shelves in the toy room for my grand kids. I posted about the old "Life" game at one point and about a game that we used to play at my grandmothers every week called "Flinch."
Our family has always enjoyed games and I also collected a few items that would go with the games. I have an "E.T. game and a small stuffed animal next to it. I have a "Care Bears" domino set and a tape deck stuffed Care Bear to sit next to it. I have a "Smurf" puzzle and a small "papa" Smurf stuffed animal to sit next to it. You get the idea. 
I have the shelves in the room already so instead of taking them down, I thought it would be fun to put the old games on the shelf with a few toys. I also found some old "Barbie" totes and old Barbies to stick up there with an old Barbie puzzle I found. 
Today, along with the action figure, I found four action figures from "The Lone Ranger" along with two horses and saddles. I thought they would look great up on the shelf with the old books I have from that series. 

I showed them pictured on the shelf with "The Lone Ranger" book set I have. They are all trade marked and were in quite good shape. I did use a Sharpie to color in the scratches on their hair after cleaning them up with "Totally Awesome Cleaner" which is great to clean up any old toys I buy. You probably also know that I use Sharpies for everything so that shouldn't be a surprise either.
The last toy I purchased today was an R2D2 Star Wars game that is like a lap top for kids that opens up and plays word and math games for kids. I loved it as I had never seen something like that. I had no boy toys having all girls but now I have a good assortment which is great as I am hoping to have lots of grandkids running about in the future!

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