
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Good Luck, Lazy Week, Gold Digger

I have have been extra tired this week since I moved Princesses to college, school starting, homecoming and several other things this past month. I can't seem to "wake up" and have energy. I am still fighting health issues but plod along doing what needs to be done but the past several days, I have just been getting what needs to be done, done and then Princess Five and I have been watching "Once" as she wanted to get through season three. 
I can't sit and do nothing so I sorted some things and then started a puzzle as I want to spend time with Princess Five and I am tired. We had a dentist and Orthodontist appointment this week already and I helped her wash the windows at the high school yesterday as all the other student body officers had activities and she didn't have cheer yesterday after school so the two of us spent some time washing windows as they had window chalk from homecoming last week. 
I guess I helped my friend prune her tree on Saturday from 4 p.m till ten and then on Sunday, I left for church at 10:30, went to Choir after church. Then went visiting with another church friend to several women in our congregation and then I told the Boy Scouts I would help them with their fund raising drive which took me away from home until 7:30 at night. I was tired, extremely hot and very hungry by the time I arrived home having been gone most of the day. Princess had taken a nap so we visited and watched her show until bedtime. 
It isn't until I started writing this that I figured out why I am so tired! I kept thinking for the past two days, "Why am I so tired?" I guess I have done more than I thought. 

Anyway, I have felt kinda lazy the past two days as I wanted to prune my trees but we have had lots of rain so I couldn't get out there. 
While shuttling Princess Five around, I stopped at the second hand store as I had a few minutes before needing to go back and pick her up so I checked out the jewelry section. It was my lucky day. 

I have shared in the past how I search the second hand stores for gold and silver jewelry and also why I search. Here is why I started doing that in post 1. Here is post 2 in that hunting for gold series. Here is post Three. 

Today, I found a $3 bag with a long 10K necklace in it with the three colors of gold in a braid in the center of the chain. It was marked on each section of the chain and also on the clasps. 

In another $3 bag, I found the silver rope chain. It is in great condition but just a bit tarnished. 

In a third bag, there was an opal necklace. The opal was real but the chain was not silver. 

I also got a silver ring with two pearls in it for $1. It was an unusual design but I love how it looks from the side. I took a picture so you could see how it is on the side. I think if they had faced the pearls up on the sides rather than sideways, it would be a prettier setting but I still think it is pretty and unique. I like that it can open to fit any finger size. It is creative that way.

I also purchased this peridot ring as well for $2. I didn't get it because it has much value, but because I have a beautiful necklace it would match. 

Since I have been purchasing silver and gold, Many times at the stores, I can't tell if an item has markings as they are so small and sometimes, they are worn off so only a part of the mark is showing. I wanted a better magnifying glass and "put it out there" to find a jewelers loop. A few days after I "Put it out there" to find one, this little white card was at the second hand store. It had what looked like a magnifying glass on it. when I stuck things under it at the store, it was greatly magnified.  You can see how much by the photo with the 10KG at the top and this picture of the little clasp and they are very clear and that is with the camera through the little magnifying loop.

It was less than a dollar so I took it home and unscrewed the white plastic card off and now I have a jewelers loop. 

It is amazing and works well. I keep it in a baggie in my purse and it has come in handy several times now. 

Other than looking for markings, you can use a magnet. I use the one pictured with the snake ring to see if the item is magnetic. If it is, it is junk. Copper, brass, silver and gold are not magnetic. It is a quick and easy way to make sure you don't spend much on junk jewelry if you can't spot any markings. 

I love that my Heavenly Father helps me find the things I want and need and all I have to do is ask and "put it out there" and he usually gets it to me in a few days! I am truly blessed!  

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