
Monday, September 8, 2014

At Home Under The Rainbow

This past week, Princess had a homecoming game. It was one of the first times she cheered for a football game so far in her life. She wanted me to come watch the halftime dance they were doing and I told her from the beginning, I would watch her cheer the second half but my tush doesn't like bleachers for an entire game and last game, I lost my cushions so I figured I was good with half a game. 

I got there a bit early as you never know how long the quarters are for these so I sat down on the wet bleachers as we had been having rain on and off all day.

No sooner had I sat down, when there was a light rainbow over the school. I love rainbows so I took a picture. No rain came with it where we were other than a few drops. I hoped that it meant the team would have a good game.

About 20 minutes later, A second rainbow came out that ended up somewhere close to my house but was quite light as well. It started raining then and got really heavy for about ten minutes. There was a player that got injured and was taken away in the ambulance. You would think they may stop the game but the rain passed and people could take their umbrellas down. 

The rain came and went more lightly at times but another rainbow showed up over the school so I took another picture. It was cool to see so many rainbows even if they were light. 

The cheerleaders got to use their jackets for the first time and they all looked so cute in their hoods. I love the picture where the only face I could see coming out of the hood was Princess Five's. 

They cheerleaders did really well with their halftime dance even though the grass was a bit wet and Princess Five was so cute smiling and doing fun faces since she is used to doing that for dance competitions. 

Several people have commented to me that they enjoy watching her the most since she looks happy and is animated when she cheers. 

I mentioned that to her and she said that three people so far have made that comment to her as well. 

She LOVES to perform and she does it well. 

A bit after that, a really bright rainbow showed up just over the scoreboard. It was at the end of the game and I thought it funny, like the rainbow was saying we were destined to win the homecoming game, then a second rainbow showed up in the field-goal. 

It was beautiful! The one over the "HOME" section of the scoreboard was so bright! It is one of the brightest I have seen and it got brighter and brighter as the game ended. 

That is FIVE rainbows in the time of half a football game! I LOVED seeing them and seeing Princess Five so happy and performing. She was so animated during the cheers I wish I were closer but they have the student section, the band section and then the parents section and she is at the far end so I will have to steal a seat in the student section one game to get some better pictures. 
I loved this one thought with just her face showing through all the pom poms.  

It is days like this one that make me VERY grateful that I have eyes to see. Beautiful rainbow signs from God and a Beautiful talented Princess using her talents to make others happy. 

I also have to say that I wouldn't mind if there was a pot of gold at the end of one of those rainbow for me!

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