
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ebola Could Be Coming to a Country Near You - Horseradish Drink

I am warning you that there are some graphic pictures on this post but they are not the most graphic on the web. I just picked some that show how devastating the disease is to the body.  It isn't meant to scare but just to inform and allow you to do anything possible to help you increase your possibility to do whatever is in your power to stay healthy.  

There have always been plagues throughout history and some fared better than others. The rich fared better than the poor during the plague because they ate off silver and some of the silver got into their bodies and silver is a natural antibiotic. So, some of the stuff mentioned includes colloidal Silver. Only buy from a reputable and long standing company for Silver as it can turn you blue permanently. 

Of course, all this is my opinion and things based on what I have used and experienced. I urge you to do your own research and not take anything on my word. Ultimately, this is just suggestions and I am going to be purchasing more of the items on this list to have lots of them on hand just in case things do go bad. It can't hurt to have them but it could hurt not to have them.    

A few days ago, I felt like I needed to look up Ebola. I don't watch the news or listen to the radio or read any new sources online so for me, that was an oddity. Here were the two stories I read. 

Ebola story link here from Time Magazine this week.

Ebola story with pictures, symptoms etc from the Wall Street Journal last week.   

I don't know that there is a "Cure" to Ebola but I KNOW that some of the things I have used in the past have helped me to overcome virus and infection and help my mother overcome her illness in the ICU when the Dr's told me she would be dead shortly. I thought I would share some of the things we have used to overcome our illnesses. 

Many of these things will also help to increase your immunity to catching illness. Ebola has a 90% death rate so perhaps boosting your immune system will help keep you in the 10% if it does come to the USA.

Here is a link to a way to diffuse essential oils in the car.

Here is a link to a way to diffuse essential oils in the house quickly and cheap.

Here is a link to a post about essential oils and how to get them cheaper.

Here is a link to making your own "bug" spray but the oils in this boost the immune system.

Here is a link to vitamins that will help boost your immune and keep you healthy.

This is a link to natural cures I have used for years that helped my mother get out of ICU.

This is a link to a nasal spray that cured my mold sinus infection and other sinus infection.

This is a post I sent to Princess on her mission and many of the things in there are natural antibiotics or have cured lots of problems for us.

This is a recipe for "Lemon Ginger Blast" which is wonderful for colds and laryngitis or any chest problem.

This is another recipe that I thought I had put on here at some point. I used this for years as a salad dressing as I LOVE the taste of this recipe. It is REALLY hard to drink this down as the garlic is fresh and is hard for me to digest. 

However, if I used it with oil and put it on my salads, I really enjoyed it. I haven't made it in a long time but after writing this post, I will be making it again. It is making my mouth water just thinking about it. 

It is really good for upper respiratory illnesses. Some suggest it for Pneumonia.

Garlic and Horseradish Formula

one quart of Apple cider vinegar like; Braggs
2 oz of horse radish  ( not creamed horse radish ) straight or 2 inches of fresh
2 oz or 2 inches of ginger root
2 jalapeno peppers
2 heads of garlic, medium size or larger, (not cloves)
1 medium white onion

Place the above items in a blender and blend till smooth
or very small pieces..
Dose: take one serving spoon of the mixture add to a
glass of Grapefruit juice or orange juice.. mix and drink. Like I said before, I pour it on salad with olive oil and eat the salad. It is spicy but I like it.

I was amazed at how this recipe cleared my lungs and improved my breathing and I don't mind the taste. 

Some Dr.'s believe that high doses of vitamin C can help fight virus and other infections. I know growing up that my mother would give us 2,000 mg when anyone in the house started getting sick and if I took it, I wouldn't get the cold and often time, if I didn't I would get sick. Maybe it is placebo but the issue are clouded on the research in that arena. If you "feel" it is something that could help you, I say trust your feelings and pray for guidance as there are many miracles that medical science can't explain by people of faith. 

One last thing, There are some doctors that have the belief that once you get sick, by putting hydrogen peroxide in the ears, just a few drops, it can help you overcome illnesses more quickly. There are TONS of articles on it but here is a link to someone talking about how to do it on youtube. Of course, once again, I urge you to do research and use any of these at your own risk. This is just for information. 

I hope this post hasn't offended or scared anyone but I felt like putting all the posts in one place would be helpful so that anyone looking for help overcoming illness could find lots of information in one spot as many of these are my posts but they are all under different areas on the blog and unless you know what you are looking for, it would be hard to find them all so now they are in one place.       

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