
Friday, September 19, 2014

Kale Gratitude Moment - mmm mmm Good

I was at the food bank today for a board meeting. After the board meeting was finished, I was in one of the offices typing up the minutes. One of the workers and I were chatting about how I hadn't dehydrated almost anything in the past year due to my dehydrator breaking and my trees having a bad year. 

I was telling them I have dehydrators now and to call me if they get any overages of fruits or veggies and I mentioned that I even like the bags of Kale they get sometimes because I like to make kale  chips.  

She asked what "kale chips" were and I proceeded to tell her about the ingredients I put on them and how my mouth was watering just thinking about them. She thought they didn't sound that great as she isn't a dark leafy kinda girl but said she would let me know as I usually dehydrate what they give me and take some back for the workers to enjoy.

She walks in two minutes later, the truck from the state food bank was unloading and she walks in with kale chips donated from the state food bank!!!

I couldn't believe that. I had just finished telling her than no one would make and market them as they crush easily and would be hard to produce without them becoming crumbs. 

I immediately opened one and ate almost the entire container while I finished typing up the minutes for the meeting. A few of the workers tried them but weren't as keen on them as they were thinking they were like potato chips as they came in the container with all the different kinds of snack chips. 

She leaves the room and I look down and there on the floor is a penny. I smiled as I picked it up giving gratitude all they day as I had just been thinking about making kale chips this week and it was one of the reasons I told her about them. I have been having problems with my gallbladder and I thought the chips may be something I could eat. I then got overwhelmed thinking I would have to purchase the items and make them which takes lots of time as you dehydrate them. 

Here I thought about wanting it in my mind and my Father in heaven gave me the exact things I wanted within days and I didn't have to do a thing to get them. I haven't been to the food bank in a very long time as we haven't had a board meeting in months. April was our last meeting. So, I happen to be there right when the truck comes and happen to tell her about them just then and she notices them while I am still there and then I find the penny!!!! 

Here is a link to part one of how I make kale chips.
Here is a link to part two of how I make kale chips.
I stopped on the way home and ran into a store. There was no penny on the ground next to my car when I went into the store and when I came out a few minutes later, there was a penny on the white line next to my car door. 

I came home with six containers of kale chips and two were nacho flavor which were spicy and I enjoyed both as the other flavor is the traditional one I enjoy. I had almost two eaten today. God is so funny. I have seen 111 a few times today as well. I feel very loved. It was a good day!

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