
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Senior Pictures - College Style

Two years ago, Princess Three went to the college she would be attending after graduation and we did a "Photo Shoot" while we were there so she could have some senior pictures at her college. 

We got some great pictures of her doing some fun jumps and leaps. Two of those are some of my favorite pictures of her. Here is a link to Princess Threes photo shoot.

Since we were at the college for Princess Three's graduation, we thought we could spend a few minutes taking some pictures around the school of Princess Four.

Princess is still very limber and did a great job doing some leaps and jumps. I think she looked very happy. 

If you notice in the top picture, the necklace she is wearing is one that we posted about in the past. 

It is made from squished pennies that we got while on vacations. Here is a link to that post.  

She wears the necklace quite a bit. 
We took some other senior photo shoots of Princess Four. Here is a link to one of her with her hair long. 

Here is the other with her long hair straight.

I guess, looking into it, we never did a photo shoot with her once we cut her hair.  

Things got crazy after that with Princess One having her baby and dance competitions. 

I forgot to share that Princess Four was named All State for the golf team with her high GPA. She has been on the golf team for three years but wasn't able to do much on the team last year. She got a few tips years ago from her grandpa who was a great golfer until breaking his arm retired him from the sport. Here is a link to that post.
She got a T-Shirt for being all state and was the only member of the school team to make the All State team. She was excited about that but I wasn't there for the event so I don't have any pictures. Here is a link to their big win two years ago. 
Princess Five was on the team this year and learned a few things but I am sure she would enjoy learning from her grandpa as well. Both girls enjoyed being on the team and I hope they can go golfing with their grandpa sometime even though he can't play with the zeal he used to. 

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