
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Academic Letter and Awards Night

Today we had the fun opportunity to go to the high schools awards night. Princess Four got four awards and a plaque for being sterling scholar in Science. See a post about that here.
She also received awards in English, an Academic Letter for the year and a 4 year academic letter as well as one for History and National Honor Society. She has been a member of the NHS for three years now.   

Since Princess Four was taking college classes since she took all the concurrent and ap classes last year, she didn't get a science or Math award as she took all those last year and was taking many classes at the local college during school time as well as taking as many concurrent enrollment classes as she could. 
She will be graduating with a year of college behind her. 

She doesn't know what she wants to do with her life so she is scheduled for some of her general education classes for fall semester at college. 

She could graduate next year but since she has been accepted as an ambassador for the college, it is in her best interest to stay for two years and get more classes done on scholarship and with discounted housing before moving on to a university. 
Princess Five also received Four awards. She got Math, Science, English and an academic letter for the year showing a 9.75 or higher in four core classes. 
Each department has their own time for awards and they started at 6 p.m. and take about 1/2 hour per department. It gets to be a VERY long night and there is no air conditioning in the auditorium so it was a long hot evening. One teacher joked that we were all sweating out impurities like a sauna. 
The girls were up and down like a yo-yo but they were both happy that each department gives refreshments so they each had a ice cream drum or sandwich for Academic Letter. They served mini pies for Science and Math and for English, they all got to choose one of two key chains. 
As I was leaving the school, I got some sad news about one of the girls friends. As I walked to the car, I gave gratitude for my healthy, happy, beautiful, smart and talented daughters. I truly am blessed beyond my own comprehension and sometimes wonder why I am so blessed when others have so many struggles in life. 
I am so proud of you girls and the good choices you make in life. You can do anything.....and I know you will! 

Congrats on all the wonderful awards!!! 

The girls came home from school today with "Drama Letters" and "Emmy" awards. Princess Four got "Best Actress" for the year and Princess Five got "Best supporting Actress." 

For them both to bring home awards was an honor as they didn't give that many out. The girls were happy with them and I had to write this addendum to include these happy faces. 

I am glad they brought these home before this posted so I could include them in this post. 

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