
Friday, May 23, 2014

Seminary Graduation - Princess Four

In our church, the kids in high school have an opportunity to attend Seminary. In some places, they go early in the morning some days or every week day if distance permits. 
Others meet one night a week if distance and times don't allow for morning classes. Still, others have no class but can do work books to follow the classes and study the manual and complete the work books. 

In a few states, they offer it as a school class off campus as you would for a "work release" schedule.

Living where we do now, it has been a blessing for Princess Four to be able to attend seminary and have the opportunity to attend for four years. 

When I lived in New Zealand as a teen, I wasn't so lucky and tried to keep up on the work books but didn't quite finish them. 

Having that experience has made me grateful that my girls were all able to attend for all four years of high school which has been a blessing. 

I was able to sit in the center of the balcany so I could try to get some pictures of Princess four walking but the lighting was dim and most of the pictures were blurry but I still got a great shot of all the graduates I was able to share on facebook with them all so that was good. 
Proud of Princess Four for all her hard work and dedication to attending Seminary. Good Work Princess. I love and WANT you! ;-)

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