
Friday, March 14, 2014

Princess Four's Last Competition - In God We Trust

We went this past weekend to the girls last dance competition. It was the state competition and it was the last dance competition for Princess Four ever. 

Most of the other senior girls were crying as it was their last competition but Princess Four was keeping it positive and she and Princess Five were having a good time as you can see here. 

They have been working hard for three hours a day for most of the year including summer practices. 

This was their final competition of the year and their final competition together. 

They had their last "Drill Down" as well. All the Princesses have done well in drill downs. Click here and here for posts about that. Princess three and four both did well and were in the top 25 or so for the state 3-A competition and Princess Four was in the top 12. 

You can see them both competing here and then in a lower picture, you can see Princess Four getting out. They did well but I think they were a bit upset about the teams placing and were distracted. Also, the caller in Drill Downs can make a huge difference. They were so bad that in the end of this there were four girls. Two ended up in one direction and two in another and none of the judges in the checkered shirts or the caller could remember the call so they started over. 
If I were one of the parents, I would have been upset because several of those girls didn't make the top three as they called two more girls back onto the floor and one of them made it to the top three which she shouldn't have.

That has happened several times and Princess Three should have won once as she was the only one in the right direction but they told her she was out because she was the only one. I later showed the caller the tape and she apologized as she knew she was wrong. But, by then, there wasn't anything they could do. I wasn't about to run down and make a scene but Princess Three knew she won.

That day, we had a trail of coins like we did over the Christmas holiday through the mall. Princess Two and I kept finding them as we took a lunch break to Costco between dances, we found one on the way out the door.

While I was crossing the street in the parking lot, my boot kicked a penny that was so dark, you couldn't see it but I just happened to cross that street at a diagonal and kick that one penny out there. I laughed as I never would have seen it otherwise. 

While driving to Costco, I stop at a red light. Princess looks out the window and said, "Is that a penny?" and next to the car at the stop light was a penny. We were moving forward at that point but she said, "Yep, it is a penny!" as we drove off. 

While I was at Costco, I was in one checkout and they put up a "closed" sign so I changed to the one next to it and guess what was sitting on the counter inside the moving part... Yep a penny. 

I found another coming out after the last dance and Princess two found a dime and another earlier. I told the girls about it in the car on the way home and Princess Four said she found a dime earlier as well.

How Heavenly Father places all the coins in our path on specific days, I don't know but I smile as I pick them up and often share with others why I do pick them up. (Click here for that first "In God We Trust" post.")

The girls were so cute in the car on the way home talking about all the blessings that have come out of them being on the dance team and getting to perform for so many years. Into my head came a song from "Phantom of the Opera."  and I couldn't get it out of my head.... 
"Think of me, think of me fondly when you say goodbye. Remember me, once in awhile please promise me you'll try..." and I started thinking about the drill instructor and how many emotions that brought up and I felt like perhaps Princess Five won't be doing the same thing next year and may branch out into other things.... So, the song fit. I felt like on the trip home, we were saying goodbye to all the dance competitions and costume changes and drill down competitions. 

I have been going to these things for fourteen years now. There were a few in-between years when Princess Two graduated from another school and so it wasn't consecutive but that is a long time going to these things. 

That doesn't include the team dance competitions before they were in high school. I know at some point I will probably miss them but right now, I am kinda thinking I may like not having to drive all over the state at Christmas time... 

The girls both told each other "thank you" in the car for doing dance that year and that they could be on the team together and were really cute about it. Who knows, in a few years, I may be watching my grand-daughters dance recitals! Oh, won't that be wonderful! I almost can't wait since I won't be the one who has to get the ready and take them to all the classes.... I will just get to watch and enjoy the end results. 

I think there are some really great benefits to being a grandma!

For next week, I am going to post pictures of my girls in their dances and my favorite shots.Dancing with the Princesses Week beings Monday!  

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