
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Princess Four, One of the Top Ten in the State

Princess Four has worked very hard to maintain her GPA through high school. She has been extremely busy doing student government, camps, dance, leadership weekends and church functions as well as earning money doing fund raisers for her service Mission to Thailand and the planning weekends for almost a year before going. 

This year especially, has been a busy one as she was taking three concurrent classes for college which are advanced placement as well as two college classes at the local college.

This semester, she is still doing concurrent classes and is now taking a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) course which is college level. She has classes as well as clinical hours she needs to do on top of the load she is already taking and being student body president and regular classes. 

She has just finished her last dance competition this past week and only has a few performances left to her dance career. 

These things have been keeping her doing very long days and being quite tired. However, through it all, she has been able to maintain her high GPA.

She was nominated for Academic Region with a few other students in the school but it is VERY hard to get Academic All-State in Dance. She was one of ten students that got awarded the academic award in the state for our 3-A status. The combined GPA for the ten girls is 3.978. 

You can see in the picture there were only ten girls in the state that had a high enough GPA to get included in the program. She was named in the State competition program and was called down to the floor to receive her award.
She didn't get the opportunity to go to the tryouts for Dance All-State due to politics in the dance group but I know she would have made it had she had the chance to go and try. She did make Dance All-Region as she is one of the top dancers so I am proud of her for making it through the four years of Dance team and even more so, I am proud of her caring enough about her education to do well enough to be one of the top ten Academic dancers in the state. 

After the State competition, one of the other dancers fathers (who is a teacher at the school) came up to her and told her she got the most important award of the day that they could hand out. 

I know that made Princess Four feel good as she really has worked hard staying up many late nights taking hard classes and doing her best to maintain her good grades as well as taking college classes.

Some of the other seniors on her team are only taking three classes this semester at school as that is all they need to graduate so they go home in-between classes and take a nap. She could have chosen to do that but instead, she is working on getting many of the classes she will need for her associates degree out of the way so she can graduate early with her degree. All of her sisters have taken that fast track and are years ahead of some of their friends of the same age. 

I am so proud of all of my girls but especially Princess Four who has done some amazing things this year and has already gotten many offers for scholarships. Click here for one of those

She has accepted a full scholarship for a Jr. College and is going this weekend for a "college weekend" and is applying to be an ambassador so she can get an extra scholarship on top of the one she has already accepted. 

Either way, if she makes it or doesn't, it won't matter as she is on the path she wants to follow and is doing an amazing job. I know she will continue to be amazing and do her best at whatever she chooses to do. 


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