
Monday, March 17, 2014

Hip Hop dance - Both Princesses Rock It

Princess Four and Five are VERY limber. I am not sure why they are so limber but most people I know can't do this type of thing. 
However, we go with the flow. Even though the girls don't always get to show off their talent and don't always have the most exciting parts in the dances, they go big with facials and expression along with large movements. 

You can see here how Princess Five is going big on her arms and facials in her pictures. If you look at her, you can see "attitude" in a big way and I laugh at her facials.
I love the next two pictures where Princess Four is falling forward and I caught her in the middle of falling, before she hits the ground. 
I also love the next one where all the girls feet are off the floor in a hip-hop stall. It is great how their feet are all in the air. 
In the next picture, Princess Five is spinning and her hair is whipping in her face and she is doing some great facials in the last picture. 
Both girls really like dancing "Hip-Hop" and you can see their enthusiasm in their dancing. I know Princess Four is going to miss doing this. 

I don't know if she will dance in the future but none of the girls have continued with dancing so my best guess is that she won't be continuing on so I wanted to post the best pictures of the year this week. 

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