
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Princess Two Photo Shoot and Ten Things I Love

Princess Two was home when we did our photo shoot a few months ago and  I never got around to putting her photos up as well as some of the other girls individual shots.  

We had some fun taking the pictures and I said I was going to use the photos to list the top ten things I love about my Princess.  

1 - Everyone loves her. If they don't love her when they meet her, they are quickly won over by her enthusiasm and vigor for life. 
2 - She is EXTREMELY organized. She LOVES to help organize things and is always helping her sisters go through their rooms and clothes getting rid of what they don't need. Here is a post about her sorting things and selling them to help her sister. 

3 - She reminds me when to take a break. She will help me work for an hour and then tells me I need to take a break and have some "down time" and then will start me up again and stay with me until the job is finished not matter how long it takes. Even when we are having fun, she reminds us we need breaks. This is a post about what happens if I don't follow that advice. 
4 - She is bright and quick to learn. She finished college early and continues to enjoy learning. She researches information daily through news etc.Since I didn't blog when she graduated, I have a link to another post where she helped me here. 

5 -  She is one of the most quick witted people I know. She has a line for everything and a quote. She is usually one step ahead of everyone in the room with her comments and it may take a minute for everyone else to catch up. "You know why!" Here is a link to a post with a funny video she shot of herself when she got her wisdom teeth out. 
6 - She is very creative. She writes music and poetry. She is a clever writer and has shared her writing with many people and uses it during others times of need to give them comfort. Here she is creating a quilt. 

7 - Since she was able to walk, she has been the "care taker" and "Watcher" of others. She would see a need and immediately take action to help. If I fell asleep on the couch, even at two she would put a blanket over me. Always seeing what she can do to help others.Here is a post where she is helping by watching others.
8 - She has the light of Christ in her. Others see her actions and want to be like her. The other day, my nephew was talking to my niece and said, "(Her name here) will change the world." My niece said, "Do you think I could change the world?" He said, "No." Everyone that has ever spent time with her knows how dynamic she is and that she IS capable of changing the world. Here is a post about her leaving to change people in Taiwan.

9 - She is always looking how to help others. She will see someone in need and do what she can to help them in the way they need the help. This may sound like some of the other numbers but it stands on its own that it isn't just family and friends that she helps. At her work, she has gotten three people hired. She helped a friend find a place to live and another a job elsewhere. This is in the last month or so. Here is a link to one of her missionary posts.

10 - She is her own person. She never lets others judgments or negative comments get her down. She was oddly thin growing up and got some unkind treatment because of it. It is just how she was made but others judged her for it. She DOESN'T care what others say or do, she is strong and doesn't allow it to affect her. Even if she ends up alone because of it, she just spends her time creating or in some other positive way. 

Here is a link to the second part of that post. She does make me laugh. I still don't know where she gets it. ;-) Wherever she gets it from, I am grateful for her and all she is. I am Blessed!

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