
Friday, October 18, 2013

Random Post - In God We Trust and More

I haven't ever really done posts like this that I can remember but there were several things I wanted to share. One, was the other night, when we poured the cement for the post on the fence. It was really cold and starting to snow and I was worried about pipes freezing and sprinklers freezing so I hurried to turn off the valve for the sprinklers and drain them. I also put the insulated covers on the pipe bibs. Here are a few links to pipe bib issues. I have had many floods due to them freezing or leaking and you can read about that here. Here is one about how I winterize the yard.

Once I had finished and was hurrying to go inside, I looked over and there was this beautiful flower coming out of one of my planters. NOTHING had come out of them all year but weeds. I actually have so many weeds in them I thought I may just throw some of them out. The flowers in the garden were mostly gone or severely browned due to cold and to see that beautiful flowers there made me smile. It reminded me of the first Valentines win I had when I had been feeling sad that I wouldn't get flowers for Valentines and after changing my attitude, giving gratitude for the flowers in my yard and my eyes to see them etc, Heavenly Father sent me some in an unusual way. Here is the link about that 

I had an embarrassing moment the other day but it was a compliment of sorts. I was shopping at a local store and they had some music over the store speaker system. Sometimes they have good music, other times, not so great. This day, they had some good music playing and I guess I was humming harmonies along with the song. I am a very good singer and come from a VERY musical family with many songwriters and published musicians and several poets as well. My mother traveled the world several times singing with different choirs. All my siblings sing as well. So, for me to be humming along is normal. The woman in the aisle in front of me stopped walking and turned around. She said, "I just want to stop here and trap you in the aisle so I can listen to you sing. You are really good." I, of course, was embarrassed. I said, "I didn't even know I was humming along. I am embarrassed." She said, You shouldn't be, you are really good." I thanked her and shared another funny story from that same store a few years ago. 

I was humming along to a song and didn't realized it then either. A man stopped and asked me the name of the song that was playing. I told him I had no idea that I hadn't heard it before. He said, "You were humming along, if you have never heard it, how can you be singing to it?" I shared that most songs follow a pattern and that if you understand chords and what key the music is in, it doesn't matter what note you sing, it will sound good as it is in the same key." I was embarrassed for singing along then as well but the funnier part is that my youngest sister lives near me and I was at the store with her once and she was doing the same thing. I called her and shared this week about the woman who trapped me in the isle and we both had a good laugh.

Here are a few posts about us singing together at the local nursing home and a few of the girls singing the national anthem and one of the many of Princess Five singing. There are more of them singing at the fair etc but you can search for them if you are interested.
Nursing home one
Nursing home two
Nursing home Three
National anthem one
National anthem two
Princess five singing on stage

Lastly, I wanted to share about tonight. Princess Three came home for fall break from college and I needed to get a few groceries for her stay. I invited them all to go to the store and she had something she wanted and couldn't find at her local town stores. We were leaving WalMart as they didn't have what she wanted when I picked up a penny. I laughed and said, "Of course" showing it to the girls. We then went to K-mart and it was later in the evening and there were NO cars in the lot. I could have parked anywhere but just laughed when I parked, got out and there was a penny on the ground directly in my path to the store.The girls laughed and then we entered the store and between the first set of doors and the second set of doors, Yep, you guessed it, a third penny. I told the girls there was one for each of us! 

While at the store, we found what Princess Three wanted and their clearance just happened to be 85% off the lowest Clearance price. We got them each some cute jean shorts and some tee shirts and I got my mother some new clothes and none were over $2.50 or so. Most were under $2. So, that is the post I wanted to share. "In God We Trust" moments, Flower reminders of my blessings, and I had to share the girls making their sugar cave sculpture as I poured some sugar bags I had into 2 gallon storage buckets I got for $1.25 brand new. I love when I get great finds like that. I needed to seal up the sugar and had been looking for some buckets and found new ones with the seals unused. Those are normally $5 - $7 each bucket for that size. I was grateful for those as well as the pennies and flower! It has been a good week that way!

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