
Monday, December 17, 2012

Karma, What You Give is What You Get....

I had the weirdest experience today that reminded me that "What you give, you get in return."

Several years ago, a woman showed up at our church with a daughter and four sons. No husband that I could see. I invited them to our home for dinner that day. We had a routine each Sunday to make a roast and just invite a new family or someone to dinner as we felt each Sunday. 

This Sunday, it was Melissa's family. She had just moved into town and she and her five children were living in a motor home at the KOA while they made a bid on a home. Her husband was in Kansas settling their affairs until she got into a house. We had them over many, many times as they didn't have space in the motor home and we would play games and watch videos etc. 

She eventually got into a house and over the past few years we have helped each other with things. Last year, I learned what type of friend Melissa is. She was not only there when I would ask her, but she would show up when no one knew I needed someone. She will say, "I just had a feeling." on those occasions.  Last December, when I had all that crazy stuff going on and was doing Princess number one's wedding reception, food, decorations etc by myself, Melissa was my hero (or heroine as the case may be.)

She left her family for two days and helped me haul all the stuff to where the wedding and reception were going to be held and worked all afternoon and evening until 4 a.m. helping me set up the building. She showed up for the wedding and was at the reception helping as long as I needed her. Not one of my family or friends did that and many of my family and friends didn't even show at the reception. I don't feel sad about that as it was a bit of a drive and I understand that but I just share it to show how dedicated this woman is and the kind of friend she is. She drove further than any of my family and gave up two days and almost a full night sleep to support me. 

Today, her eldest son returned as a missionary to Cambodia. They picked him up last night and today, she had friends and family over to welcome him home. I happened to be helping her bake pizza's and set up the room when my alarm went off on my phone. Today was Princess and Prince number 1's wedding anniversary. I was helping my friend exactly one year to the day and hour that she was helping me! I was struck in amazement how Karma works. There are many ways to say it but in the end, it falls to "What you sew, you shall reap!" "If you plant good seeds, good things grow." "What you give is what you get.", or "What goes around, comes around." 
So many times when I think I am doing something wonderful for someone, I end up being the one that is blessed. We ended up taking some left over food home for dinner today and as I went to get into my car to go home, I bet you can't guess what I found! Yep, a penny! It was as dirty as the road but it was right next to my door. I could have parked anywhere on that street as I was the first there with the key to open the door and set up. I could have parked on the side of the building as well, or in the parking lot. Nope, I parked right next to that penny. I can only guess how long that penny had been there as it was VERY old and dirty but I laughed as I picked it up knowing that God was reminding me to trust Him. I also felt like He was telling me to trust some of His Angel helpers on this earth. As we were pulling away from the building, Princess two said, "Melissa is the kind of friend everyone should have." 

I think Princess two is right. I hope you all have a "Melissa" in your life. In this link to the wedding reception decorations we set up the night before the wedding, Melissa is in the first video. She saw me video taping once everything was done knowing I was putting it on my blog. She heard me describing the trees and how they weren't lit and went over and plugged in the trees and fan on the other side so you could see the decorations spinning and the trees lit up. I didn't ask her to do it, she is just that kind of person who sees a need and takes care of it. 

Her one act of helping me with that wedding reception out of the grace in her heart without me asking for her help was the saving grace of me that week. I had so much going on that I was beyond exhausted and I just read my journal of the week and give thanks for my dear angel friend Melissa. I am so glad I can help her out sometimes but don't think I will ever be able to repay that one act of grace in my life. I LOVE YOU MELISSA!

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