
Friday, December 14, 2012

When the Family Gets Together... We Take Pictures!

If you noticed on my Christmas letter post a few days ago, the only picture I had of my complete family that isn't a year old or more is the one at the airport when Princess Two came home a few months ago. It isn't the cutest photo of most of us as several of us had been crying or were extremely tired. 

In the next two weeks, we will have a few days where we will all be together and I am hoping we can get a nice family picture of us all. We have none with Prince number one since their engagement photo so as a family, it will be a first for us. 

I imagine it won't be too many years before we have lots of princes to add to the photos. The girls are all growing up so quickly. I will blink and they will be out of the house. 

Princess three came home from college tonight for the holiday break and gave some friends rides home. Before arriving home, they stopped at the swimming meet. Then, she wanted to go to their church dinner party and then to their house to play Mario something. I laughed as she lives at college with these kids but is rarely home. Now that she is home, it is after midnight and she is over at their house playing Wii. 

That is just how it is in college. It starts in middle school and goes from there until they are completely autonomous and come for one and two day visits over the holiday. 

When I look back over the years it seems like a lifetime ago I was having babies and other days, it seems like I sneezed and missed something as they are all so grown up now. I will start a new phase soon where they have kids and I get to dote and spoil them. Should be some fun sugaring them up to send them home. ;-)

The girls are all wearing about the same size in everything now so buying them clothes doesn't work. I can't even do their laundry as I don't know who owns what. 

Christmas will be different now that they all know Santa better. We won't have Princess 1 and Prince 1 as they are on his family's turn for Christmas so we won't all be together but it should still be a fun holiday having four of the five home. We are looking forward to it. I think I am going to try a new tradition this year. Wrapping the presents. Could be an adventure..... I'll see how I feel about it once I start wrapping. lol

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