
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's Decided, I am a Visual Person

I can't tell you how hard writing this blog has been for me now that I haven't been able to post photos. I have probably taken 2,000 photos since I haven't been able to post pictures. I went out of the country, bought a car, went to two dance competitions, a band concert, a dance performance, a surgery, a singing concert and a few other things I am sure I am forgetting. I took lots of photos at each event and because of this stupid site, I can't post them. If they would just give me a yearly one time price instead of the monthly thing, I would be fine but trying to figure out the cancellation of the monthly thing and I get stupified.

I have had so much going on that taking the time to figure out new web design and hosting issues really isn't something I want to do. I keep thinking I should just stop writing all together but still feel there is a reason for writing so I continue. There aren't a ton of people who read this but I can't count the number of people who I send to the health pages on the main page. 

I also can't count the number of times someone asks me for a recipe or one of my children asks how to make their favorite dish when they leave for school etc. I am happy to tell them to refer to this blog. I also have had to refer to the blog when I haven't been able to find a specific recipe. I have had to have one of the kids look it up and tell me the amounts etc. 

The children have also used the posts for school reports as they have the photos along with the recipe when they are supposed to share their favorite food etc. 

I am so much more motivated when I have pictures to view. Princess two told me a few years ago that she sometimes just flips through looking at the pictures. I have to admit, I do that sometimes as well. Some of my best pictures get posted on here. There are some really good actions shots. 

I remember when I was in the leadership of the women's group of my church, we had several discussions about whether we needed visuals or center pieces at the front of the room when a lesson was being given or just leaving the table blank. I worked with two left brained women (that I love dearly) who saw no point in having any visual aids or center pieces. I know that some of the other women who were more right brained and artistic needed some type of visual and learned better when having something to look at. 

When I do the brain tests to see if I am right or left brained, I always come out almost exactly in the center. I am logical yet creative. This manifests itself in my career choices. The RN is the scientist left brained person and the massage therapist/alternative therapist is right brained and I am extremely creative in my home and yard which is also right brained, yet can do the maintenance which is left brained so I often can see both sides of the argument for the table centerpiece discussions.

I today decided, I may not learn better with visuals but they certainly brighten up my surroundings and make things more interesting. White walls are detached and boring and I love my bright red/burgundy walls. I love the texture that I put on the walls. I love the solid colored borders which frame the walls. It is almost like the walls are a work of art themselves. 

So, that is what I figured out today. That, I find this blog and writing it boring without the pictures. I don't know if any of you feel the same way. I think that is why I think newspapers are boring. There isn't much color or many photos in them. I like reading my news off the internet much more because there are usually color photos involved. 

I didn't used to care about art, color, flowers etc but now I really enjoy them. I examine paintings and enjoy looking at details. 15 years ago, I wouldn't have spent 1 minute on a piece of art. I remember my mother and my hair dresser asking if I were going to see a Picasso painting that was traveling through the area. I told them I couldn't think why anyone would spend time or money doing that. Now, I would probably enjoy spending lots of time enjoying the works. 

I figure allowing my more creative side to come out the past ten years has helped me cultivate that enjoyment within myself. I mentioned not being supported in being creative this past week in my "Women were created to create" post. (Link to that here) I think it hurt too much to put energy into creating something to have it made fun of so I didn't allow myself to enjoy it when others created. 

My life has changed dramatically over the past, almost 11 years now. I truly enjoy art and have it hanging all over my home. In my bedroom alone, I have 21 different works of art, all paintings! They are mostly of Christ or religious centered themes. The one mentioned in the "Pedicures in Peru" post, and shown here of Christ washing the disciples feet, (Link here to that post) is hanging directly over my desk as a reminder to do service. I also have some of Michael Angelo's work from the Sistine chapel and some local artist that I enjoy. One is also Liz Lemon Swindle. (See a post about her work here

I am trying to share my new found enjoyment of art with the girls and we have gone to several museum exhibits by artists and I hope we continue to be able to attend more. Until then, we will have to be satisfied by learning the names of the art and artists by playing one of our favorite games.... Masterpiece. See a post about that here.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you've been creative and have always had numerous projects going ever since I met you over 20 yrs ago. Boutiques, quilts, curtains, sewing clothes, stuff for other endless list. You've done more than I EVER will. and goodness, I NEVER take pictures anymore.
