
Monday, October 1, 2012

They did Fair-ly Well at the Fair

 We submitted several things at the fair this year. The girls went and found things that they created and gathered them up and we took them to the fair to be judged. 

It seems like when the girls were in elementary school, they had lots of creative projects to submit. Now, only crafts they do at home seem to fit as they don't have art classes. See here for the mosaic post.

I also finished my last "Memory hand print quilt" project within the year and decided to submit the quilt I did for Princess number five. It doesn't look much different than the one I submitted last year. Here is a post from last year's fair

Here is a post about making the hand print quilts. I'll post the first at least and maybe a second. 

You can put "hand quilt" in the search box at the bottom and you can see all the posts but there are two for now. 

I haven't posted on how to make these cute picture frames yet but Princess number four made me two for mothers day with a leader from her young womens group at church. 

These cute string eggs were made around balloons and she made them at a 4-H meeting if I remember right. You dip string in colored glue and then wrap it around the little water balloons and let them dry and then pop the balloon and you get "string" eggs. Princess enjoyed making them and we enjoyed using them to decorate. 

These cute eggs you should remember from our Easter time posts. We used lace, elastics, twine, ribbon, rick-rack and leaves to create fun decorations on Easter eggs. Here is the post for that.

These cute shoes took a prize. She used Sharpies to create some fun designs on these plain white shoes. If you remember I posted about that. Here is the post. 
I posted about her making her shoes here.  

We all got several first place ribbons and each of us walked away with $15 which I thought was funny as they give different amounts for each color ribbon and none of us had the same amount of entries. It is fun all around and enjoyed seeing all the creative people in our county. 

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