
Friday, September 28, 2012

Rough Six Months - Dr. on Monday for Princess Two

Maybe kind of a lame post but Princess is going to a Dr. on Monday and she was asked to write up a Medical History for her visit. So, she went through her journal and started writing down the different symptoms and I went through her pictures we downloaded off her memory cards this week and we printed a Mission medical history.

It seems that for the most part, it all started after she touched black mold growing on her luggage from a clogged drain in her apartment. Her health went down from there. I am surprised she didn't lose more than seven pounds with it all. I think she did a great job keeping her health up having had such a hard past six months. 

History - 
December 2, 2011- Nauseous for about 3 weeks. vertigo for about 2 weeks.
March – sore throat, mold in my apt.(black mold with sewage on luggage and floor for weeks) stomach cramps started

April and May-
0. sores on legs – pussy and then huge rash around it pink red and itchy. Rash was not round.
1. Charley horse cramps in legs
2. rash on back and stomach
3. bites on hands
4. blister bites on my left leg.
5. huge sores on my face
6. PMS and Menstrual pain worse each month

1. Sore throat
2. metal taste in my mouth and can’t eat out of the right side of my mouth. (dentist couldn’t find anything)
3. nightmares
4. leg cramps
5. stomach cramps all the time, not only when I ate. Doubled over.
6. swished with cinnamon oil in my mouth – after that got a huge sore in my mouth but I didn’t have teeth pain anymore.
7. PMS and Menstrual pain worse each month
8. Exhausted and fell asleep giving lessons

1. Diarrhea for 3 weeks and more. (Started in June)
2. 9 new bites that itch and bubble.
3. stomach cramps when eating
4. nightmares
5. leg cramps
6. PMS and menstrual pain worse each month
7. Exhausted and fell asleep giving lessons

0. Huge bites on my face
1. Weight Loss
*2. Antibiotics/ face and leg sores clear up and started sleeping better. Doxycycline
3. yeast infection.
4. Frequent Urination
5. nightmares
6. stomach cramps when eating
7. started having hot flashes and cold other times
8. started taking parasite pills for 20 days felt little better. Less nightmares and cramping
9. PMS and Menstrual pain worse each month
10. Exhausted and fell asleep giving lessons

1. Diarrhea
2. leg cramps
3. Fever for 5 days highest 102 degrees
4. Nose bleed
5. Headaches / sore throat
6. Hot and Cold flashes
7. stomach cramps every time I eat.
8. frequent urination
9. yeast infection
10. Exhausted and fell asleep giving lessons

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