
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Found Money, 111 and Gratitude

This weekend, I found $1. I also found a penny last week. I have been worried about paying for the upcoming wedding as well as paying for the mission for Princess number 2 along with a few other things that are going on in my life.

You can't hide things like that from God. He knows me so well. I spent the weekend helping princess number one move a new bed into her apartment and many other things for my kids. I was finishing up late Saturday night when I looked down on the way to my car and there was a dollar bill. I felt as if God was telling me that everything was going to be OK. See here for my first post about finding money and "In God We Trust."

I try to keep trusting in Him that He will take care of the cost and still make it a beautiful wedding for Princess number one. I arrived home Sunday and went to put the money into my "Found" money jar, and Princess number five said she wanted to count and find out how much money I have "Found" since I started "finding money from God." When she counted it, she found that I had over $7. I just went back to the first post I wrote about picking up money and it was a year ago this week that I started picking it up. $7 a year isn't bad free money.

Also, if you read my blog, you will remember that I also see signs as 111. When I need a boost or am feeling stress, it always seems to show up. So, Monday I went to pay the eye Dr. When they printed one of the bills, I laughed at all the one's on it. It had 111 as the number of printed bills I guess and the total for that bill was $11.11.

Later that day, I opened some mail from an investment I have and this is what I saw. There are 11,111 shares in the stock that I own. If you remember my first post on this phenomenon, it happens regularly. Here is a link to that post.

I guess with all the stress in my life, Heavenly Father knows I need more reminders as to who is in charge. He really is taking care of my wants and needs and I wish I could post all of them but there really isn't space and some are more private than others but just know that I KNOW He lives and loves each of us. He doesn't only do this for me and mine! I hope YOU KNOW it as well.

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