
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Very Full Garage - Trees and Doors

I woke at 6 this morning to a very LOUD BANG. The garage door fell to the cement. The spring broke. I have a large two car garage door. In the 18 years or so we have been here, we have replaced the springs on that door probably 10 times. The door opener has been replaced twice. I think that the larger doors are just heavy.

That aside, I realized it really didn't matter if I could open the door or not because I haven't been able to park in the garage for about 2 weeks now. It is full of Pre-lit Christmas Trees and many doors of varied shapes and sizes along with bins of storage from Princess number 2 and items of Princess number 1 that won't fit into the new place.

Since I found out about the wedding and that my Princess number one wanted doors, I have collected 9 doors of use and two not so much. I didn't realize how large and heavy solid wood and metal doors are!

I have collected 2 - 7 1/2 foot trees, 2 more 6 1/2 foot trees and a 4 foot not pre-lit tree. None of the trees were more than $15. They were at the second hand stores when I needed them. The doors were also all free. People have been very generous in calling me and sharing their doors with me.

I opened a Kmart add this week and here is what I saw. This add shows that none of the trees are less than $100. Two of the trees I purchased have price tags on them still for over $100. I already had a 6+ foot pre-lit tree and love it. The best part is that we can just donate them back to good will after the wedding or take them to the local women shelter for the women in their apartments or something.

I stopped off today to try and find a white board at the hardware store and was blessed to find the exact color of cream paint Princess wanted for the doors in a mismatched color in the pre-mixed primer and paint for $4 for a gallon. How blessed. Now I have all the colors of paint needed for the doors. That paint is normally about $35 a gallon. All the paint purchased has been from the mismatched paint section. I have all the trees we need now as well.

I was able to pick up the last of the dishes needed at Kmart today as they had them shipped in from two other stores. They were all on clearance and I am grateful for that blessing.

I am tempted to keep going and tell you of more of the blessings that have come our way daily but will save it for another day. It once again is later than desired but I did finish the wedding favors tonight! Wahoo! Thanks to my youngest Princess and my friend MT, it only took me four days to get them all done!

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