
Wednesday, September 7, 2022

In God We Trust - 111 - Top Gun - Sit-itus

I was talking with a Pokemon friend the other day and she mentioned that she was sad that she didn't get to watch Top Gun Maverick while it was in town. 

I saw a few days ago on Facebook that our small town theater got it back for a few days. I texted my friend and asked if she wanted to go before it left again.

She texted me today that she wanted to go. I did a Pokemon raid with another Pokemon friend right before the show and I invited him to join us as he knows her as I met them both playing Pokemon. 

We all went to the show and we enjoyed it! I wish I had taken a selfie of us at the theater, but I got to my car and realized I wanted to get a photo of the time and name on the theater, so just before getting in the car,  I turned around and started walking back towards the theater, and there was a penny just in front of me.

I was headed back to my car and was playing Pokemon and got a 111 Pokemon hatching out of an egg. I have found three coins in the past week. 

While writing this I fell asleep so I am sorry it is late but I have fallen asleep over and over while blogging recently. I hope I can figure it out soon!

Here is a link to my first "In God We Trust" coin post.  

Here is a link to my first 111 post.

Here is a link to my first Sit-itus post.

Have a blessed day~ 

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